Banknotes That Tell A Story:
France pick 100a: 20 Francs from 1942
12.2.1942-17.5.1944. Red and multicolor. Breton fisherman at right. Back: Two women at left center, Breton calvary statuary at right.
France pick 103c: 5000 Francs from 1945
18.1.1945-9.1.1947. Brown, red and multicolor. Allegory of France with three men (French colonies) at center. Back: Same woman alone, but with scenes from colonies.
France pick 141a: 5 Nouveaux Francs from 1959
5.3.1959-5.11.1965. Blue, orange, and multicolored. Pantheon in Paris at left, Victor Hugo at right. Village at right, Victor Hugo at left on back.
France pick 146b: 5 Francs from 1967
5.5.1967-8.1.1970. Brown, purple, and multicolored. Louis Pasteur at left, Pasteur Institute in Paris at right. Laboratory implements, man fighting a rabid dog, Pasteur at right on back.
France pick 147d: 10 Francs from 1971
3.6.1971-6.12.1973. Red and multicolored. Paris Palais des Tuileries at center. Francois Voltaire at right and as watermark. Chateau de Cirey at right, Volataire at left on back.
France pick 154e: 100 Francs from 1990
1990-1991. Brown. Eugene Delacroix at left center and as watermark. Marianne holding tricolor, part of Delacroix\' painting La Liberte Guidant le Peuple at right. \'Cent Francs\' at upper left on face not just faint outline but has a fill color as well.
Other Info
France pick 157Ad: 50 Francs from 1997
1997; 1998. Purple and dark blue on blue, green, and multicolored underprint. Drawing of le Petit Prince at left. Old airplane at top left, topographical map of Africa at center, Antoine de Saint-Exupery at right and as watermark. Breguet XIV biplane on back. Name as Exupery, not Exupery ol; new law clause on back.
France pick 159b: 200 Francs from 1996
1996; 1997. Brown and pink on multicolored underprint. Gustave Eiffel at right and as watermark, observatory at upper left center. Eiffel tower truss at center. View through tower base across exhibition grounds at left center on back.