Banknotes That Tell A Story:
Israel pick 15a: 1 Pound from 1948
ND (1948-1951). Blue. Printer: ABNC (without imprint). Serial number varieties.
Israel pick 16a: 5 Pounds from 1948
ND (1948-1951). Brown. Printer: ABNC (without imprint). Serial number varieties.
Other Info
Israel pick 32d: 10 Lirot from 1958
1958/5718. Lilac and purple on multicolored underprint. Scientists with a microscope and test tube at left and as watermark. Dead Sea scroll and vases at right on back. Paper with a security thread, morse tape, and a brown serial number.
Israel pick 34b: 5 Lirot from 1968
1968/5728. Gray-green and blue on multicolored underprint. Albert Einstein at right and as watermark. Atomic reactor at Nahal Sorek on back. Red serial number.
Israel pick 51a: 10000 Sheqalim from 1984
1984/5744. Brown, black, orange, and dark green on multicolored underprint. Stylized tree at center, Golda Meir at right and as watermark. Gathering in front of Moscow synagogue on back.