Nurse-Henderson: Flag for ChileChile

Gallery image for Chile p102: 5 Pesos from 1944

Flag of Chile Chile pick 102: 5 Pesos from 1944

19.4.1944; 3.7.1946; 30.4.1947. 5 Pesos = 1/2 Condor. Blue. Portrait B. O\'Higgins at right, with name under portrait. Signature varieties.

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Gallery image for Chile p103: 10 Pesos from 1943

Flag of Chile Chile pick 103: 10 Pesos from 1943

18.8.1943-20.11.1946. 10 Pesos = 1 Condor. Red-brown. Portrait Bulnes at right, with name under portrait. Signature varieties. Back: Brown.

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