My Banknotes:

Bolivia pick 157a: 100 Pesos Bolivianos from 1962
Law of 1962. Red on multicolored underprint. Underprint with green at let, blue at right. Portrait of Simon Bolivar at right. Red serial number, and security thread at left center. Back darker red; engraved, scene of the declaration of the Bolivian Republic. Series A. Large, wide, dark signatures.
Old and new denomination on back at bottom. Arms at left. Signature varieties. Printer: TDLR.

Bolivia pick 157b: 100 Pesos Bolivianos from 1962
Law of 1962. Red on multicolored underprint. Underprint with green at let, blue at right. Portrait of Simon Bolivar at right. Red serial number, and security thread at left center. Back darker red; engraved, scene of the declaration of the Bolivian Republic. Series A. Small, thin, light signatures.
Old and new denomination on back at bottom. Arms at left. Signature varieties. Printer: TDLR.