
Italy pick 20f: 10 Lire from 1915
11.10.1915. Blue on pink underprint. Portrait King Umberto I at left. Back: Only denomination in oval at left.
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Italy pick 23g: 5 Lire from 1925
20.12.1925. Blue and black on pink underprint. Portrait King Vittorio Emanuele III at right.
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Italy pick 25a: 10 Lire from 1935
18.6.1935. Blue. Portrait King Vittorio Emanuele III at left. Date at bottom center edge. Back: \"Italia\" at right. Watermark: Woman\'s head facing left.

Italy pick 25c: 10 Lire from 1939
1939; 1944. Blue. Portrait King Vittorio Emanuele III at left. Date at bottom center edge. Back: \"Italia\" at right. Watermark: Woman\'s head facing left.

Italy pick 26: 1 Lira from 1939
14.11.1939. Dark brown on light brown underprint. Back: Caesar Augustus at center.

Italy pick 27: 2 Lire from 1939
14.11.1939. Blue-violet on pale lilac underprint. Back: Julius Caesar.

Italy pick 28: 5 Lire from 1940
1940; 1944. Violet on brown underprint. Portrait King Vittorio Emanuele III at left. Date at bottom center edge. Back: Blue on yellow underprint. Eagle with sword at center.

Italy pick 31c: 5 Lire from 1944
23.11.1944. Violet-brown. Archaic helmeted female at left.

Italy pick 32c: 10 Lire from 1944
23.11.1944. Blue. Jupiter at left. Engraved or lithographed. (The lithographed note has a blue line design in the watermark area at center.) Back: Two allegorical men.

Italy pick 58: 50 Lire from 1942
28.8.1942-6.8.1943. Blue-violet and yellow-brown on orange and yellow underprint. Like p54 but with L\'AQUILA at end of imprint. Seals: Type A/E. Back: She/wolf with Romulus and Remus.

Italy pick 80a: 500 Lire from 1947
20.3.1947; 10.2.1948. Purple on light brown underprint. \"Italia\" at left. Seal: Type B. Back: Purple on gray underprint. Watermark: Head of\"Italia\".

Italy pick 83: 1000 Lire from 1947
20.3.1947. \"Italia\" at left. Seal: Type B. Back: Blue on gray underprint. Watermark: Head of \"Italia\".

Italy pick 91a: 50 Lire from 1951
31.12.1951. Green on yellow underprint. "Italia" at left.

Italy pick 92b: 100 Lire from 1951
31.12.1951. Deep red, violet border on yellow underprint. \"Italia\" at left. Back: Red on yellow underprint.

Italy pick 93a: 500 Lire from 1966
20.6.1966; 20.10.1967; 23.2.1970. Dark gray on blue and multicolored underprint. Eagle with snake at left, Arethusa at right. Three signature varieties.

Italy pick 93a: 500 Lire from 1966
20.6.1966; 20.10.1967; 23.2.1970. Dark gray on blue and multicolored underprint. Eagle with snake at left, Arethusa at right. Three signature varieties.

Italy pick 95: 500 Lire from 1976
20.12.1976. Grayish purple on blue and multicolored underprint. Mercury at right. Watermark: star in wreath.

Italy pick 96c: 1000 Lire from 1964
25.7.1964. Blue on red and light brown underprint. G. Verdi at right. Watermark: Laureate head. Face seal with Medusas head on it.
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Italy pick 96d: 1000 Lire from 1965
10.8.1965; 20.5.1966. Blue on red and light brown underprint. G. Verdi at right. Watermark: Laureate head. Face seal with Medusas head on it.

Italy pick 97c: 10000 Lire from 1966
20.5.1966. Brown, purple, orange, and red-brown with dark brown text on multicolored underprint. Michelangelo at right. Piazza del Campidoglio on Rome. Watermark: Roman head. Seal with facing head of Medusa.

Italy pick 97d: 10000 Lire from 1968
4.1.1968. Brown, purple, orange, and red-brown with dark brown text on multicolored underprint. Michelangelo at right. Piazza del Campidoglio on Rome. Watermark: Roman head. Seal with facing head of Medusa.

Italy pick 101h: 1000 Lire from 1981
30.5.1981. Black and brown on light blue and lilac underprint. Harp at left center, G. Verdi at right. paper with security thread. Milan\'s La Scala opera house at left center on back. Watermark: vertical row of laureate heads. Seal of facing head of Medusa.

Italy pick 102a: 5000 Lire from 1971
20.5.1971. Olive, blue, and brown on light olive underprint. Mythical seahorse at center, Columbus at right. Three sailing ships of Columbus\' at left center on back. Seal with winged lion.

Italy pick 103a: 2000 Lire from 1973
8.10.1973. Brown and green on light tan and olive underprint. Galileo at center, ornate arms at left, buildings and leaning tower of Pisa at right. Signs of the Zodiac on back. Watermark: Man\'s head. Seal with winged lion.

Italy pick 103c: 2000 Lire from 1983
24.10.1983. Brown and green on light tan and olive underprint. Galileo at center, ornate arms at left, buildings and leaning tower of Pisa at right. Signs of the Zodiac on back. Watermark: Man\'s head. Seal with winged lion.

Italy pick 105b: 5000 Lire from 1980
1.7.1980; 3.11.1982. Brown and green. Man at left. Building and statuary at center right on back. Watermark: man with cap. Seal with winged lion.

Italy pick 106b: 10000 Lire from 1980
6.9.1980; 3.11.1982. Man at left and as watermark. Column at right on back. Seal with winged lion.

Italy pick 107b: 50000 Lire from 1978
12.6.1978. Blue, red, and green. Young women and lion of St. Mark at left. Modern design of arches on back. Seal with winged lion.

Italy pick 108a: 100000 Lire from 1978
20.6.1978. Red-violet and black on multicolored underprint. Woman\'s bust at left and as watermark. Modern building design at right on back. Seal with winged lion.

Italy pick 109a: 1000 Lire from 1982
6.1.1982. Dark green and tan. Marco Polo at right and as watermark. Facade of Doge Palace in Venice at bottom of vertical format on back. Printer: ODBI. Seal with winged lion.

Italy pick 109b: 1000 Lire from 1982
6.1.1982. Dark green and tan. Marco Polo at right and as watermark. Facade of Doge Palace in Venice at bottom of vertical format on back. Printer: ODBI. Seal with winged lion.

Italy pick 110b: 100000 Lire from 1983
1.9.1983. Dark brown and brown on green and olive-green underprint. Couple at center, Caravaggio at right and as watermark. Fruit basket at left, castle at upper center on back. Seal with winged lion.
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Italy pick 111c: 5000 Lire from 1985
1985. Olive-green and blue on multicolored underprint. Coliseum at center, V. Bellini at right and as watermark. Scene from opera Norma at left center on back. Seal with winged lion.

Italy pick 112c: 10000 Lire from 1984
3.9.1984. Dark blue on multicolored underprint. Lab instrument at center, A. Volta at right and as watermark. Mausoleum at left center on back. Seal with winged lion.

Italy pick 114a: 1000 Lire from 1990
Decredo Ministeriate 3.10.1990. Red-violet and multicolored. M. Montessori at right and as watermark. Teacher and student at left center on back. Seal with winged lion.

Italy pick 114b: 1000 Lire from 1990
Decredo Ministeriate 3.10.1990. Red-violet and multicolored. M. Montessori at right and as watermark. Teacher and student at left center on back. Seal with winged lion.

Italy pick 114c: 1000 Lire from 1990
Decredo Ministeriate 3.10.1990. Red-violet and multicolored. M. Montessori at right and as watermark. Teacher and student at left center on back. Seal with winged lion.

Italy pick 115a: 2000 Lire from 1990
Decredo Ministeriate 3.10.1990. Dark brown on multicolored underprint. Arms at left center, G. Marconi at right and as watermark. Marconi's yacht Elettra at upper left center, radio towers at left, early radio set at center on back. Seal with winged lion.

Italy pick 116a: 50000 Lire from 1992
Decredo Ministeriate 27.5.1992. Violet and dull green on multicolored underprint. Figurine at center, G. L. Bernini at right and as watermark. Equestrian statue at left center on back. Seal with winged lion.

Italy pick M12a: 5 Lire from 1943
1943. Green and brown. F.

Italy pick M20a: 50 Lire from 1943
1943. A. Blue. Serial number prefix/suffix A-A.
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Italy pick M21a: 100 Lire from 1943
1943. A. Violet and blue. Serial number prefix/suffix A-A.