
Argentina pick 350: 50 Pesos from 1999
ND (1999-2003). Multicolored. D.Faustino Sarmiento at right and as watermark. Government office with monuments, palm trees in foreground at left center on back. Sign titles PRESIDENTE BCRA and PRESIDENTE HC DIPUTADOS. 3 Signature varieties. Series A.
Ascending size serial number at upper right. Printer CdM-A.

Argentina pick 352: 2 Pesos from 2002
ND (2002). Deep blue and brown-violet on multicolored underprint. B.Mitre at right and as watermark. Ornate gate at center. Mitre Museum at left center on back. Sign titles PRESIDENTE BCRA and PRESIDENTE HC DIPUTADOS. 3 Signature varieties. Series D-E.

Argentina pick 353d: 5 Pesos from 2015
2015. Deep olive-green and purple on multicolored underprint. General J. san Martin at right and as watermark. General San Martin on horseback with troops at center. Monument to the Glory at Mendoza at left center on back. Sign titles PRESIDENTE BCRA and PRESIDENTE HC SENADORES. 3 Signature varieties. Series J. No clause CONVERTIBLES DE CURSO LEGAL.
Other Info

Argentina pick 360: 10 Pesos from 2016
ND (2016). Brown, red, and multicolored. Multicolored fauna at center. Manuel Belgrano at right. Back: fighters with upraised swords, flag at center.