my banknote collenctio:

Ukraine pick 81a: 1 Karbovanets from 1991
1991. Dull brown and pale orange on yellow underprint. Lybid, Viking sister of the founding brothers at left. All notes without serial number. Back: Cathedral of St. Sophia in Kiev at left center. Watermark: Paper. Printer: ISPB (France). All denominations had the value, i.e. 3 KR, printed sideways with fluorescent ink at left.

Ukraine pick 82a: 3 Karbovantsi from 1991
1991. Greenish gray and pale orange on yellow underprint. Lybid, Viking sister of the founding brothers at left. All notes without serial number. Back: Cathedral of St. Sophia in Kiev at left center. Watermark: Paper. Printer: ISPB (France). All denominations had the value, i.e. 3 KR, printed sideways with fluorescent ink at left.

Ukraine pick 83a: 5 Karbovantsiv from 1991
1991. Dull blue-violet and pale orange on yellow underprint. Lybid, Viking sister of the founding brothers at left. All notes without serial number. Back: Cathedral of St. Sophia in Kiev at left center. Watermark: Paper. Printer: ISPB (France). All denominations had the value, i.e. 3 KR, printed sideways with fluorescent ink at left.

Ukraine pick 86a: 50 Karbovantsiv from 1991
1991. Blue-green and pale orange on yellow underprint. Lybid, Viking sister of the founding brothers at left. All notes without serial number. Back: Cathedral of St. Sophia in Kiev at left center. Watermark: Paper. Printer: ISPB (France). All denominations had the value, i.e. 3 KR, printed sideways with fluorescent ink at left.

Ukraine pick 90a: 500 Karbovantsiv from 1992
1992. Blue-green and silver on lilac and ochre underprint. Founding Viking brothers Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv with sister Libyd in bow of boat at left. All notes with serial number. Back: Cathedral of St. Sophia in Kiev at left center. Watermark: Paper. Printer: TDLR (without imprint). Replacement notes: Serial number prefix .../99 in denominator.

Ukraine pick 116Ac: 1 Hryven from 2014
2014. Yellow and blue on multicolored underprint. Prince Volodymyr at right. Back: Volodymyr's berg in Kyiv. Watermark: Prince Volodymyr.