
Honduras pick 73c: 20 Lempiras from 1994
12.5.1994. Deep green and dark brown on multicolored underprint. D. de Herrera at right and as watermark. Back vertical; Presidential House at center. Printer: TDLR. Red serial number. Brown serial number.
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Honduras pick 73c: 20 Lempiras from 1994
12.5.1994. Deep green and dark brown on multicolored underprint. D. de Herrera at right and as watermark. Back vertical; Presidential House at center. Printer: TDLR. Red serial number. Brown serial number.
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Honduras pick 73d: 20 Lempiras from 1996
12.12.1996. Deep green and dark brown on multicolored underprint. D. de Herrera at right and as watermark. Back vertical; Presidential House at center. Printer: TDLR. Red serial number.
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Honduras pick 75c: 100 Lempiras from 1994
12.5.1994. Brown-orange, dark olive-green, and deep purple on multicolored underprint. J. C. del Valle at right and as watermark. Different view of forestry school on back. Date is engraved. Serial number at upper left is in ascending size; serial number is red. Enhanced underprint in the watermark area on the back. Black signature. Printer: (T)DLR.
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Honduras pick 87b: 20 Lempiras from 2003
23.1.2003. Multicolored. Gprinter: G&D. Back vertical format.
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Honduras pick 87b: 20 Lempiras from 2003
23.1.2003. Multicolored. Gprinter: G&D. Back vertical format.
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Honduras pick 88b: 50 Lempiras from 2003
23.1.2003. Blue-black and dark brown on multicolored underprint. J. M. Galvez D. at right and as watermark. Vertical serial number at left. Back vertical: Central Bank Annex at center. Printer: TDLR.

Honduras pick 88b: 50 Lempiras from 2003
23.1.2003. Blue-black and dark brown on multicolored underprint. J. M. Galvez D. at right and as watermark. Vertical serial number at left. Back vertical: Central Bank Annex at center. Printer: TDLR.

Honduras pick 88b: 50 Lempiras from 2003
23.1.2003. Blue-black and dark brown on multicolored underprint. J. M. Galvez D. at right and as watermark. Vertical serial number at left. Back vertical: Central Bank Annex at center. Printer: TDLR.

Honduras pick 102b: 100 Lempiras from 2014
12.6.2014. Brown-orange, black, and olive-green on multicolored underprint. J. C. del Valle at center right, bridge over the Choluteca River at right. Vertical bar in top and bottom margins and braille at right. Back: Valle's house at left. Printer: FC-O.

Honduras pick 102b: 100 Lempiras from 2014
12.6.2014. Brown-orange, black, and olive-green on multicolored underprint. J. C. del Valle at center right, bridge over the Choluteca River at right. Vertical bar in top and bottom margins and braille at right. Back: Valle's house at left. Printer: FC-O.

Honduras pick 102b: 100 Lempiras from 2014
12.6.2014. Brown-orange, black, and olive-green on multicolored underprint. J. C. del Valle at center right, bridge over the Choluteca River at right. Vertical bar in top and bottom margins and braille at right. Back: Valle's house at left. Printer: FC-O.

Honduras pick 103b: 500 Lempiras from 2014
12.6.2014. Magenta and gray. Dr. R. Rosa at right. National Gallery of Art in the background. Back: Rosario de San Juancito at left.

Honduras pick 103b: 500 Lempiras from 2014
12.6.2014. Magenta and gray. Dr. R. Rosa at right. National Gallery of Art in the background. Back: Rosario de San Juancito at left.