Collection P-T:

Romania pick 51a: 500 Lei from 1940
1.11.1940-26.1.1943. Brown on multicolor underprint. Two farm wives at left. 2 signature varieties. Back: Villa with trees. Watermark: BNR horizontal or vertical.

Romania pick 52a: 1000 Lei from 1941
10.9.1941-20.3.1945. Blue and green on pink underprint. Two farm wives with three children each at left and right. Similar to p45. Value UNA MIE LEI at lower center. 3 signature varieties. Back: Two farm wives at left and one with ladder at right. Watermark: Head of Trajan.

Romania pick 53a: 2000 Lei from 1941
18.11.1941. Brown, violet and yellow. Farm wife with distaff at left, woman with infant at right. 2 signature varieties. Back: Two farm wives at left, oil refinery at right. Watermark: Head of Trajan.

Romania pick 55a: 5000 Lei from 1943
28.9.1943; 2.5.1944; 22.8.1944. Light blue on multicolor underprint. Two male heads of Trajan and Decebal at upper left, arms at center. 2 signature varieties. Back: Man and oxen looking towards city. Watermark: Portrait of Trajan.