My notes: Flag for PeruPeru

Gallery image for Peru p131b: 50 Intis from 1987

Flag of Peru Peru pick 131b: 50 Intis from 1987

26.6.1987. Black, orange and green on multicolor underprint. Nicolas de Pierola at right, arms at center. Back: Drilling rig at left, hilicopter approaching. Watermark: Nicolas de Pierola. Printer: CdM-Brazil.

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Gallery image for Peru p133a: 100 Intis from 1987

Flag of Peru Peru pick 133a: 100 Intis from 1987

26.6.1987. Black and dark brown on multicolor underprint. Ramon Castilla at right, arms at center with additional pink and light green vertical underprint at right. Back: Women workers by cotton spinning frame at left center. Watermark: Ramon Castilla. Printer:BDDK.

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