dodda :
Egypt pick 30d: 1 Pound from 1952
12.5.1952-23.8.1960. Blue and lilac. Tutankhamen at right. Circle over watermark at left with underprint. Back: Ruins. Watermark: Sphinx.
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Egypt pick 37a: 1 Pound from 1961
1.11.1961-23.2.1967. Blue-green on lilac and multicolored underprint. Tutankhamen's mask at right. Back green. Watermark: arms.
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Egypt pick 37a: 1 Pound from 1961
1.11.1961-23.2.1967. Blue-green on lilac and multicolored underprint. Tutankhamen's mask at right. Back green. Watermark: arms.
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Egypt pick 40a: 5 Pounds from 1964
17.6.1964-13.2.1965. Lilac and brown on multicolored underprint. Circular area at left is blank, Tutankhamen's mask at right. Guilloche at bottom center on face and back. Watermark: arms.

Egypt pick 41s: 10 Pounds from 1961
1.11.1961-13.2.1965. Dark green and dark brown on multicolored underprint. Tutankhamen's mask at right. Back brown. Watermark: arms. As a specimen banknote.
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Egypt pick 43a: 50 Piastres from 1967
2.12.1967-28.1.1978. Red-brown and brown on multicolored underprint. Al Azhar mosque at right, University of Cairo at left center. Ramses II at center right on back. Watermark: Archaic Egyptian scribe.

Egypt pick 44a: 1 Pound from 1967
12.5.1967-19.4.1978. Brown and black on multicolored underprint. Sultan Quayet Bey mosque at left center. Archaic statues on back. Watermark: Archaic Egyptian scribe.

Egypt pick 44a: 1 Pound from 1967
12.5.1967-19.4.1978. Brown and black on multicolored underprint. Sultan Quayet Bey mosque at left center. Archaic statues on back. Watermark: Archaic Egyptian scribe.

Egypt pick 45c: 5 Pounds from 1969
1.1.1969-1978. Black on blue and multicolored underprint. Ahmad ibn Tulun mosque in Cairo at center right. Ruins at left, frieze at center right on back. Watermark: Archaic Egyptian scribe.
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Egypt pick 46a: 10 Pounds from 1969
1.9.1969-1978. Red-brown and brown on multicolored underprint. Sultan Hassan Mosque at Cairo at left center. Pharaoh and pyramids on back. Watermark: Archaic Egyptian scribe.

Egypt pick 47a: 25 Piastres from 1976
12.4.1976-28.8.1978. Blue, green, and grayish brown on blue and orange underprint. Sphinx with statue at left center. ARE arms on back. Watermark: archaic Egyptian scribe.

Egypt pick 50f: 1 Pound from 2001
22.11.2001-14.8.2003. Brown, purple, and deep olive-green on multicolored underprint. Sultan Qait Bey mosque at left center. Statues from the Abu Simbel Temple on the back. Watermark: Tutankhamen\'s mask. Series 381-428.

Egypt pick 50k: 1 Pound from 2007
31.1.(20)07. Brown, purple, and deep olive-green on multicolored underprint. Sultan Qait Bey mosque at left center. Statues from the Abu Simbel Temple on the back. Watermark: Tutankhamen's mask.

Egypt pick 50l: 1 Pound from 2007
25.3.(20)07. Brown, purple, and deep olive-green on multicolored underprint. Sultan Qait Bey mosque at left center. Statues from the Abu Simbel Temple on the back. Watermark: Tutankhamen's mask.
Egypt pick 50m: 1 Pound from 2007
11.11.2007. Brown, purple, and deep olive-green on multicolored underprint. Sultan Qait Bey mosque at left center. Statues from the Abu Simbel Temple on the back. Watermark: Tutankhamen's mask.
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Egypt pick 52a: 20 Pounds from 1978
6.9.(19)78-82. Black, gray-violet, and deep green on multicolored underprint. Muhammed Ali mosque at center. Archaic sculptures from Chapel of Sesostris I and archaic war chariot on back. Watermark: Tutankhamen's mask. Date below watermark. Solid security thread.

Egypt pick 55a: 50 Piastres from 1981
1.1.(19)81-10.6.(19)83. Green and brown on multicolored underprint. Al Azhar mosque at center. Sculptured wall design at left, Ramses II at center, archaic seal at right on back.

Egypt pick 57b: 25 Piastres from 1990
5.12.(19)90-(19)99. Purple and pale blue on pale lilac and multicolored underprint. Al-Sayida Aisha mosque at center. Standard ARE arms at left center on back. Watermark: Tutankhamen's mask. Segmented security thread with bank name repeated.

Egypt pick 57h: 25 Piastres from 2007
11.6.2007. Purple and pale blue on pale lilac and multicolored underprint. Al-Sayida Aisha mosque at center. Standard ARE arms at left center on back. Watermark: Tutankhamen's mask.

Egypt pick 58c: 50 Piastres from 1990
5.1.(19)90-11.8.(19)94. Black on pale orange, pink, and multicolored underprint. Al Azhar mosque at center right. Sculptured wall design at left, Ramses II at center, archaic seal at right on back. Segmented security thread with bank name repeated.

Egypt pick 62a: 50 Piastres from 1994
23.8.(19)94. Dull olive-gray on multicolored underprint. Al Azhar mosque at center right. Sculptured wall design at left, Ramses II at center, archaic seal at right on back.

Egypt pick 62d: 50 Piastres from 1997
28.5.1997. Dull olive-gray on multicolored underprint. Al Azhar mosque at center right. Sculptured wall design at left, Ramses II at center, archaic seal at right on back.
Egypt pick 62f: 50 Piastres from 2000
2000. Dull olive-gray on multicolored underprint. Al Azhar mosque at center right. Sculptured wall design at left, Ramses II at center, archaic seal at right on back.
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Egypt pick 62g1: 50 Piastres from 2001
11.6.2001. Dull olive-gray on multicolored underprint. Al Azhar mosque at center right. Sculptured wall design at left, Ramses II at center, archaic seal at right on back.
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Egypt pick 65a: 20 Pounds from 2001
3.10.2001-25.1.2006. Black, gray-violet, and deep green on multicolored underprint. Muhammed Ali mosque at center. Archaic sculptures from Chapel of Sesostris I and archaic war chariot on back. With wide segmented silver security strip and added rosette printed in optical variable ink.

Egypt pick 181d: 10 Piastres from 1940
Law 50 of 1940. Black. Group of militants with flag having only two stars. Signature of Daif with titles MINISTER OF TREASURY AND PLANNING. Series 18-24.
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Egypt pick 182a: 5 Piastres from 1940
Law 50 of 1940. Lilac. Queen Nefertiti at right. Watermark: UAR. Signature Hegazy with title MINISTER OF TREASURY. Series 33 and 34. With imprint Survey of Egypt.

Egypt pick 182g: 5 Piastres from 1940
Law 50 of 1940. Lilac. Queen Nefertiti at right. Signature of Loutfy. Series 42-47. With imprint Survey of Egypt.
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Egypt pick 182h: 5 Piastres from 1940
Law 50 of 1940. Lilac. Queen Nefertiti at right. Signature of Meguid. Series 47-50. With imprint Survey of Egypt.
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Egypt pick 182j: 5 Piastres from 1940
Law 50 of 1940. Lilac. Queen Nefertiti at right. Signature of Hamed with title MINISTER OF FINANCE. Watermark: ARE. Printer: Postal Printing House. Series 50-72. With imprint Survey of Egypt.

Egypt pick 183a: 10 Piastres from 1940
Law 50 of 1940. Black. Group of militants with flag having only two stars. Signature of Hegazy with title MINISTER OF TREASURY. Watermark: UAR. Series 29 and 30.
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Egypt pick 183e: 10 Piastres from 1940
Law 50 of 1940. Black. Group of militants with flag having only two stars. Signature of Ismail with title MINISTER OF FINANCE. Series 33-35.
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Egypt pick 183f: 10 Piastres from 1940
Law 50 of 1940. Black. Group of militants with flag having only two stars. Signature of M. S. Hamed with title MINISTER OF FINANCE. Series 35-38.

Egypt pick 183g: 10 Piastres from 1940
Law 50 of 1940. Black. Group of militants with flag having only two stars. Signature of Loutfy with title MINISTER OF FINANCE. Series 38-43.

Egypt pick 183i: 10 Piastres from 1940
Law 50 of 1940. Black. Group of militants with flag having only two stars. Signature of Hamed with title MINISTER OF FINANCE. Series 46.
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Egypt pick 184a: 10 Piastres from 1940
Law 50 of 1940. Black. Group of militants with flag featuring an eagle. Signature of Hamed with title MINISTER OF FINANCE. Series 46-69.

Egypt pick 184b: 10 Piastres from 1940
Law 50 of 1940. Black. Group of militants with flag featuring an eagle. Signature of El Razaz with title MINISTER OF FINANCE. Series 69-75.

Egypt pick 185: 5 Piastres from 1940
Law 50 of 1940. Green and orange. Queen Nefertiti at right. Signature of El-Ghareeb with title MINISTER OF TREASURY. Arabic series 1 and 2. Printer: Postal Printing House. Watermark: King Tut\'s mask.

Egypt pick 187: 10 Piastres from 1940
Law 50 of 1940. Black and orange. Sphinx and pyramids at right, Mosque of Mohammed Ali at Citadel at left on back. Signature of El Ghareeb with title MINISTER OF FINANCE on back. Arabic series 1 and 2. Printer: Postal Printing House. Watermark: King Tut\'s mask.

Egypt pick 189a: 10 Piastres from 1998
ND (1998; 1999) Law 50 of 1940. Dull purple and blue on multicolored underprint. Sphinx and pyramids at right, Mosque of Mohammed Ali at Citadel at left on back. Signature of M. Elghareeb with title MINISTER OF FINANCE on back. Printer: Postal Printing House. Watermark: King Tut's mask.

Egypt pick 189b: 10 Piastres from 1940
Law 50 of 1940. Dull purple and blue on multicolored underprint. Sphinx and pyramids at right, Mosque of Mohammed Ali at Citadel at left on back. Printer: Postal Printing House. Watermark: King Tut's mask.

Egypt pick 190Ab: 5 Piastres from 2002
L. 1940 (2002). Brown. Queen Nefertiti at right. Back: Signature Hassenein at center. Serial numbers with wide distance.

Egypt pick 191: 10 Piastres from 2006
L. 1940 (2006). Violet. Sphinx, pyramids at right. Back: mosque of Mohamad Ali.