dodda :

Turkey pick 185: 5 Lira from 1970
L.1970 (1976). Grayish purple on multicolor underprint. Portrait of President K. Atatürk at right. Two signatures. Back: Manavgat waterfall in Antalya at left center. Watermark: Portrait of K. Atatürk. Printer: DBM-A (without imprint). Replacement notes: Serial number prefix Z91-Z95.

Turkey pick 210b: 5000000 Lira from 1970
L.1970 Ocak (January) 1997 (at bottom left). Dark brown and red-brown on multicolor underprint. Portrait of President K. Atatürk facing at center right. Gold oval seal with AH1329 date at right. Signature varieties. Back: Anitkabir complex (mausoleum of Ataturk) in Ankara at left center. Watermark: Portrait of K. Atatürk facing. Prefix D to N.

Turkey pick 222a: 5 Lira from 2009
ND (2009). Brown and yellow on multicolored underprint. Kamel Ataturk at right. Back: Aydin Sayili, historical scientist, at left. Prefix A.