dodda : Flag for ChinaChina

Gallery image for China p426: 1000000 Yuan from 1949

Flag of China China pick 426: 1000000 Yuan from 1949

1949. Brown and blue. CKS at right. Back: Brown. Printer: CHB. (S/M #C302-75).

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Gallery image for China p857Aa: 1000 Yuan from 1951

Flag of China China pick 857Aa: 1000 Yuan from 1951

1951. Horses grazing by tents. Back: Arabic legends with Singkiang. (S/M number C282-).

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Gallery image for China p869a: 5 Yuan from 1953

Flag of China China pick 869a: 5 Yuan from 1953

1953. Red-brown on light lilac underprint. Demonstrators at center. Back: Red-brown on blue and yellow underprint. Arms at center. (S/M number C283-13).

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Gallery image for China p874a: 1 Yuan from 1960

Flag of China China pick 874a: 1 Yuan from 1960

1960. Red-brown and red-violet on multicolor underprint. Woman driving tractor at center. Back: Arms at right. (S/M number C284-). Watermark: Large star and 4 small stars.

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Gallery image for China p903a: 5 Yuan from 2005

Flag of China China pick 903a: 5 Yuan from 2005

2005. Violet on multicolored underprint. Mao Zedong at right. Back: mountain valley view. Serial number prefix format: letter, letter, number, number.

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