dodda :

India pick 60l: 10 Rupees from 1965
ND. Purple and multicolored. Asoka column at right. Numeral 10 at center 18mm broad. Heading only in Hindi on back. Corrected Urdu at bottom left, Dhow at center on back. Letter G.
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India pick 78Ae: 1 Rupee from 1990
1990. Violet and purple on brown and multicolored underprint. New coin design with Asoka column at upper right. Offshore oil drilling platform and reverse of coin with date on back. Watermark: Asoka column. Letter B.

India pick 105aa: 100 Rupees from 2015
2015. Black, purple, and dark olive-green on pale blue-green and multicolored undeprint. Mahatma Gandi at right. Back: Himalaya mountains at left center. Watermark: Mahatma Gandhi. Letter R in underprint. With line marks for the blind.
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