Worldwide: Angola
Angola pick 93: 50 Escudos from 1962
Light blue on multicolored underprint. Airport at left center. Various animals at water hole on back.
Angola pick 102a: 500 Escudos from 1972
24.11.1972. Blue on multicolored underprint. Arms at left, M. Carmona at center right. Rock formation at Pungo Andongo at center right on back. Watermark: M. Carmona. Printer: TDLR.
Angola pick 105a: 50 Escudos from 1973
Blue and brown on multicolored underprint. Luiz de Camoes at right, and as watermark. Plant on back.
Angola pick 108a: 1000 Escudos from 1973
10.6.1973. Olive and blue on multicolored underprint. Waterfalls on back.