Romania pick 97a: 100 Lei from 1966
1966. Dark blue and purple on multicolor underprint. Portrait of Nicolae Balcescu at left. Arms at center right. Back: The Athenaeum in Bucharest at center right. Watermark: Rhombuses.
Romania pick 101Aa: 1000 Lei from 1991
Sept. 1991. Red-brown, blue-green and brown-orange onmulticolor underprint. Circular shield at left center, sails of sailing ships at lower center, Mihai Eminescu at right. Signature: Isarescu and Florescu. Back: Putna monastery at left center. Watermark: Mihai Eminescu. With a dot after the block letter.
Romania pick 101b: 500 Lei from 1992
Dec. 1992. Dull deep green, reddish brown and violet on multicolor underprint. Square topped shield at left center, sculptures at center, Constantin Br‰ncusi at right. Back: Sculptures at left center. Watermark: C. Br‰ncusi. Watermark: C. Br‰ncusi right.
Romania pick 103a: 5000 Lei from 1992
March 1992. Pale purple on multicolor underprint. Round seal at left center, church at center, Avram Iancu at right. Back: Church at left, the gate of Alba Iulia stronghold at left center, seal at center right. Watermark: Avram Iancu.