Primary Collection:
Comoros pick 7a: 500 Francs from 1976
ND (1976). Blue-gray, brown, and red on multicolored underprint. Building at center, young woman wearing a hood at right. Two women at left, boat at right on back. Watermark: Crescent on Maltese cross. Two signature varieties. Institut d'Emission des Comores.
Comoros pick 10a: 500 Francs from 1986
ND (1986). Blue-gray, brown, and red on multicolored underprint. Building at center, young woman wearing a hood at right. Two women at left, boat at right on back. Watermark: Crescent on Maltese cross. Banque Centrale des Comores. Partially engraved. Signature titles LE DIRECTEUR GENERAL and LE PRESIDENT DU CONSEIL D\'ADMINISTRATION.
Comoros pick 11a: 1000 Francs from 1984
ND (1984). Blue-gray, brown, and green on multicolored underprint. Woman at right, palm tree at waters edge in background. Women on back. Watermark: Crescent on Maltese cross. Banque Centrale des Comores. Partially engraved. Signature titles LE DIRECTEUR GENERAL and LE PRESIDENT DU CONSEIL D\'ADMINISTRATION.
Comoros pick 12a: 5000 Francs from 1984
ND (1984). Green on multicolored underprint. Man and woman at center, boats and building in left background. President Djohr at center on back. Watermark: Crescent on Maltese cross. Banque Centrale des Comores. Engraved. Signature titles LE DIRECTEUR GENERAL and LE PRESIDENT DU CONSEIL D\'ADMINISTRATION.
Comoros pick 13: 2500 Francs from 1997
ND (1997). Purple and blue on multicolored underprint. Woman wearing colorful scarf at left. Sea turtle at lower left center on back.
Comoros pick 14: 10000 Francs from 1997
ND (1997). Yellow, brown, and blue on multicolored underprint. Two seated women weaving baskets at center. Al-Habib Seyyid O. Bin Sumeit at left, mosque at center on back.
Comoros pick 15a: 500 Francs from 2006
2006. Peach on multicolor underprint. Lemur at upper center. Back: flowers. Serial number prefix A-F.
Comoros pick 15b: 500 Francs from 2015
2015. Peach on multicolor underprint. Lemur at upper center. Back: flowers. Serial number prefix G-P.
Comoros pick 15c: 500 Francs from 2020
2020. Peach on multicolor underprint. Lemur at upper center. Back: flowers.
Other Info
Comoros pick 16a: 1000 Francs from 2005
2005. Blue and multicolor. Man in canoe. Back: fish.
Comoros pick 16c: 1000 Francs from 2020
2005/2020. Blue and multicolor. Man in canoe. Back: fish.
Other Info
Comoros pick 17a: 2000 Francs from 2005
2005. Green and multicolored. Village huts on front. Back: market scene and mosque.
Comoros pick 18a: 5000 Francs from 2006
2006. Purple on lilac and multicolored underprint. Portrait on face. Back: tree. Signature titles "Le President du Conseil d'Administration" and "Le Gouverneur".
Comoros pick 18b: 5000 Francs from 2006
2006. Purple on lilac and multicolored underprint. Portrait on face. Back: tree. Signature titles "Le President du Conseil d'Administration" and "P/Le Gouverneur - Le Vice-Gouverneur".
Comoros pick 18c: 5000 Francs from 2020
2005/2020. Purple on lilac and multicolored underprint. Portrait on face. Back: tree.
Other Info
Comoros pick 19a: 10000 Francs from 2006
2006. Brown, yellow on multicolored underprint. Friday mosque in Moroni at left, al-Habib Seyyid O. bin Sumeit at center. Back: Cananga tree ylang-ylang flowers and turtle. Watermark: four stars and a crescent. Series A-C. Signature title: "Le President de Conseil d'Administation - Le Gouverneur".