Primary Collection:
Korea, North
Korea, North pick 5b: 15 Chon from 1947
1947. Brown. Without a watermark.
Korea, North pick 6b: 20 Chon from 1947
1947. Green. Without a watermark. (Modern reprint)
Korea, North pick 7b: 50 Chon from 1947
1947. Blue on light olive underprint. Without a watermark. (Modern reprint)
Korea, North pick 8b: 1 Won from 1947
1947. Black on orange and green underprint. Worker and farmer at left center. Back: mountain. Without a watermark. (Modern reprint).
Korea, North pick 10Ab: 10 Won from 1947
1947. Black on red and green underprint. Worker and farmer at left center. Back: mountain. Without a watermark. (Modern reprint).
Korea, North pick 10a: 5 Won from 1947
1947. Black on blue and red underprint. Eight lines between second and third character at bottom; connected Korean numeral at lower right. Worker and farmer at left center. Back: blue, mountain. With a watermark.
Korea, North pick 10b: 5 Won from 1947
1947. Black on blue and red underprint. Eight lines between second and third character at bottom; connected Korean numeral at lower right. Worker and farmer at left center. Back: blue, mountain. Without a watermark. (Modern reprint).
Korea, North pick 12: 50 Chon from 1959
1959. Blue on multicolored underprint. Arms at upper left. Watermark paper.
Korea, North pick 14a: 5 Won from 1959
1959. Green on multicolored underprint. Large building at center, arms at upper left. Watermark paper.
Korea, North pick 15a: 10 Won from 1959
1959. Red on multicolored underprint. Fortress gateway at center, arms at upper left. Woman picking fruit on back. Watermark paper.
Korea, North pick 18c: 1 Won from 1978
1978. Olive-green on multicolored underprint. Two adults and two children at center, arms at upper left. Back purple and multicolored; soldier at left, woman with flowers at center, woman at right. Red serial number. Red seal at left on back.
Korea, North pick 19a: 5 Won from 1978
1978. Blue-gray on multicolored underprint. Worker with book and gear, and woman with wheat at center. Mt. Gumgang on back. Red and black serial number. No seal on back.
Korea, North pick 19d: 5 Won from 1978
1978. Blue-gray on multicolored underprint. Worker with book and gear, and woman with wheat at center. Mt. Gumgang on back. Red serial number. Large numeral 5 in red guilloche on back.
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Korea, North pick 19s: 5 Won from 1978
1978. Blue-gray on multicolored underprint. Worker with book and gear, and woman with wheat at center. Mt. Gumgang on back. As specimen.
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Korea, North pick 20a: 10 Won from 1978
1978. Brown on multicolored underprint. Winged equestrian statue \"Chonllima\" at center. Waterfront factory on back. Red and black serial number. No seal on back.
Korea, North pick 20c: 10 Won from 1978
1978. Brown on multicolored underprint. Winged equestrian statue \"Chonllima\" at center. Waterfront factory on back. Red serial number. Red seal at upper right on back.
Korea, North pick 20e: 10 Won from 1978
1978. Brown on multicolored underprint. Winged equestrian statue \"Chonllima\" at center. Waterfront factory on back. Black serial number. Large 10 in blue guilloche on back.
Korea, North pick 21a: 50 Won from 1978
1978. Olive-green on multicolored underprint. Soldier with man holding torch, woman with wheat, man with book at center. Lake scene on back. Red and black serial number. No seal on back.
Korea, North pick 22a: 100 Won from 1978
1978. Brown on lilac and multicolored underprint. Kim II Sung at center right. House with trees on back. Red and black serial number. No seal on back.
Korea, North pick 23A: 1 Chon from 1988
1988. Capitalist Visitor Issue. Brown on violet underprint. Arms at upper left on face. Red serial number.
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Korea, North pick 24A: 5 Chon from 1988
1988. Capitalist Visitor Issue. Brown on violet underprint. Arms at upper left on face. Red serial number.
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Korea, North pick 25A: 10 Chon from 1988
1988. Capitalist Visitor Issue. Brown on violet underprint. Arms at upper left on face. Red serial number.
Korea, North pick 26A: 50 Chon from 1988
1988. Capitalist Visitor Issue. Brown on violet underprint. Arms at upper left on face. Red serial number.
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Korea, North pick 29: 10 Won from 1988
1988. Capitalist Visitor Issue. Dark green and blue on pink underprint. Winged equestrian statue \"Chonllima\" at center, arms at upper right on face. Red serial number.
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Korea, North pick 30: 50 Won from 1988
1988. Capitalist Visitor Issue. Dark green and blue on pink underprint. Winged equestrian statue \"Chonllima\" at center, arms at upper right on face. Red serial number.
Korea, North pick 31: 1 Chon from 1988
1988. Socialist Visitor Issue. Red-brown on pink and blue underprint. Arms at upper right. Denomination on back. Black serial number.
Korea, North pick 32: 5 Chon from 1988
1988. Socialist Visitor Issue. Purple on pink and blue underprint. Arms at upper right. Denomination on back. Black serial number.
Korea, North pick 33: 10 Chon from 1988
1988. Socialist Visitor Issue. Olive-green on pink and blue underprint. Arms at upper right. Denomination on back. Black serial number.
Korea, North pick 34: 50 Chon from 1988
1988. Socialist Visitor Issue. Brown-violet on pink and blue underprint. Arms at upper right. Denomination on back. Black serial number.
Korea, North pick 35: 1 Won from 1988
1988. Socialist Visitor Issue. Red on ochre and blue underprint. Temple at center, olive sprig on globe at right, arms at upper right. Olive sprig on globe at left, denomination at right on back. Black serial number.
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Korea, North pick 36: 5 Won from 1988
1988. Socialist Visitor Issue. Red on ochre and blue underprint. Temple at center, olive sprig on globe at right, arms at upper right. Olive sprig on globe at left, denomination at right on back. Black serial number.
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Korea, North pick 37: 10 Won from 1988
1988. Socialist Visitor Issue. Red on ochre and blue underprint. Temple at center, olive sprig on globe at right, arms at upper right. Olive sprig on globe at left, denomination at right on back. Black serial number.
Korea, North pick 38: 50 Won from 1988
1988. Socialist Visitor Issue. Red on ochre and blue underprint. Temple at center, olive sprig on globe at right, arms at upper right. Olive sprig on globe at left, denomination at right on back. Black serial number.
Korea, North pick 39a: 1 Won from 1992
1992; 1998. Grayish olive-green and olive-brown on multicolored underprint. Arms at upper left, young woman with flower basket at center right. Mountain Gumgang on back. Watermark: winged equestrian statue \"Chonllima\".
Korea, North pick 39s: 1 Won from 1992
1992. Grayish olive-green and olive-brown on multicolored underprint. Arms at upper left, young woman with flower basket at center right. Mountain Gumgang on back. Watermark: winged equestrian statue \"Chonllima\". As a specimen.
Korea, North pick 40a: 5 Won from 1992
1992. Blue-black and deep purple on multicolored underprint. Arms at upper left, students at center right with modern building and factory in background. Palace on back. Watermark: winged equestrian statue "Chonllima".
Korea, North pick 40b: 5 Won from 1998
1998. Blue-black and deep purple on multicolored underprint. Arms at upper left, students at center right with modern building and factory in background. Palace on back. Watermark: winged equestrian statue "Chonllima".
Korea, North pick 41s: 10 Won from 1992
1992. Deep brown and red-brown on multicolored underprint. Arms at upper right, factory worker, winged equestrian statue \"Chonllima\" at center, factories in background on right. Flood gates on back. Watermark: winged equestrian statue \"Chonllima\". As a specimen.
Korea, North pick 42a: 50 Won from 1992
1992; 1998. Deep brown and deep olive-brown on multicolored underprint. Arms at upper right, monument to 5 year plan at left and as watermark, young professionals at center. Landscape of pine trees and mountains on back.
Korea, North pick 42s: 50 Won from 1992
1992. Deep brown and deep olive-brown on multicolored underprint. Arms at upper right, monument to 5 year plan at left and as watermark, young professionals at center. Landscape of pine trees and mountains on back. As a specimen banknote.
Korea, North pick 43a: 100 Won from 1992
1992; 1998. Deep brown and deep brown-violet on multicolored underprint. Arms at lower left, Kim II Sung at right. Rural home at center on back. Watermark: arched gateway.
Korea, North pick 43s: 100 Won from 1992
1992; 1998. Deep brown and deep brown-violet on multicolored underprint. Arms at lower left, Kim II Sung at right. Rural home at center on back. Watermark: arched gateway. As a specimen banknote. Red overprint at left face.
Korea, North pick 44c: 500 Won from 2007
2007. Slate gray on light blue and purple underprint. Arms at upper left, assemply hall at center on face. Back red and black; suspension bridge at center. Initial issue: true OVI square at lower left on face.
Korea, North pick 45a: 1000 Won from 2002
2002. Dark green on multicolored underprint. Arms at lower left, Kim II Sung at right. Back slate blue on multicolored underprint; rural home at center. Watermark: arched gateway.
Korea, North pick 45b: 1000 Won from 2006
2006. Dark green on multicolored underprint. Arms at lower left, Kim II Sung at right. Back slate blue on multicolored underprint; rural home at center. Watermark: arched gateway.
Korea, North pick 46c: 5000 Won from 2006
2006. Purple on multicolored underprint. Arms at lower left, Kim II Sung at right. Rural home at center on back. Watermark: arched gateway. Orange 5000 in upper left measures 19x9mm.
Korea, North pick 46s1: 5000 Won from 2002
2002. Purple on multicolored underprint. Arms at lower left, Kim II Sung at right. Rural home at center on back. Watermark: arched gateway. As a specimen with regular serial number.
Other Info
Korea, North pick 48a: 200 Won from 2005
2005. Green on multicolored underprint. Flower. Back: large 200.
Korea, North pick 51: 10 Won from 2007
(2007). Deep brown and red-brown on multicolored underprint. Overprint: Kim Il Sung 95th birthday.
Korea, North pick 52a: 50 Won from 2007
(2007). Deep brown and deep olive-brown on multicolored underprint. Overprint: Kim Il Sung 95th birthday.
Korea, North pick 53: 100 Won from 2007
(2007). Deep brown and brown-violet on multicolored underprint. Overprint: Kim Il Sung 95th birthday.
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Korea, North pick 54: 200 Won from 2007
(2007). Green on multicolored underprint. Overprint: Kim Il Sung 95th birthday.
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Korea, North pick 55: 500 Won from 2007
(2007). Slate gray on light blue and purple underprint. Overprint: Kim Il Sung 95th birthday.
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Korea, North pick 56A: 5000 Won from 2007
(2007). Purple on multicolored underprint. Overprint: Kim Il Sung 95th Birthday.
Korea, North pick 68: 1000 Won from 2018
1948-2018. (97/2008). As a commemorative banknote: Anniversary of Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. Red on lilac underprint. Birthplace of Kim Jong Suk in Hoeryong. Back: birch tree forest along Lake Samji.
Korea, North pick 69: 2000 Won from 2018
1948-2018. (97; 2008). Commemorative issue: 70th Anniversary of Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. Gray and blue on multicolored underprint. Cabin birthplace of Kim Hong II and Jong II peak. Back: forest and Baekdu Mountains.
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Korea, North pick 70: 5000 Won from 2019
2019. 70th Anniversary of Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, with an overprint at left. Dark brown. Birthplace of Kim Il Sung. Back: dark brown. International exhibition building.