Primary Collection:
Mozambique pick 53: 10 Centavos from 1914
5.11.1914. Purple on multicolor underprint. Dark green Steamship Seal Type II. Back: Deep blue. Woman seated, sailing ships in background at center. Counterfoil at center. Printer: BWC.
Mozambique pick 55: 50 Centavos from 1914
5.11.1914. Olive green on multicolor underprint. Dark blue Steamship Seal Type II. Back: Brown. Woman seated, sailing ships in background at center. Counterfoil at center. Printer: BWC.
Other Info
Mozambique pick 56: 10 Centavos from 1914
5.11.1914. Purple on multicolor underprint. Dark green Steamship Seal Type III. Back: Deep blue. Woman seated, sailing ships in background at center. Counterfoil at left. Printer: BWC.
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Mozambique pick 58: 50 Centavos from 1914
5.11.1914. Green on multicolor underprint. Dark blue Steamship Seal Type III. Back: Brown. Woman seated, sailing ships in background at center. Counterfoil at left. Printer: BWC.H675.
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Mozambique pick 59: 10 Centavos from 1914
5.11.1914. Purple on multicolor underprint. Steamship Seal Type III. Back: Deep blue. Woman seated, sailing ships in background at center. Without counterfoil at left. Printer: BWC.
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Mozambique pick 60: 20 Centavos from 1914
5.11.1914. Blue on multicolor underprint. Red Steamship Seal Type III. Back: Purple. Woman seated, sailing ships in background at center. Without counterfoil at left.
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Mozambique pick 66a: 1 Escudo from 1921
1.1.1921. Green on multicolor underprint. Provincia de Mozambique. Portrait F. de Oliveira Chamico at left. Signature varieties. Back: Seated allegorical woman and ships. Printer: BWC. Decreto.
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Mozambique pick 66b: 1 Escudo from 1921
1.1.1921. Green on multicolor underprint. Provincia de Mozambique. Portrait F. de Oliveira Chamico at left. Signature varieties. Back: Seated allegorical woman and ships. Printer: BWC. Without Decreto.
Other Info
Mozambique pick 81a: 1 Escudo from 1941
1.9.1941. Green. Portrait F. de Oliveira Chamico at left, Steamship seal at right. Like number 66-69 but different signature titles. Signature varieties. Printer: BWC.
Other Info
Mozambique pick 83a: 5 Escudos from 1941
1.9.1941. Dark brown. Portrait F. de Oliveira Chamico at left, Steamship seal at right. Like p66-69 but different signature titles. Signature varieties. Printer: BWC.
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Mozambique pick 92a: 1 Escudo from 1944
23.5.1944. Black on olive and multicolor underprint. Portrait A. Ennes at left, steamship seal at right. Printer: BWC.
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Mozambique pick 95: 10 Escudos from 1945
29.11.1945. Brown on multicolor underprint. Portrait A. Ennes at left, steamship seal at right. Printer: BWC.
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Mozambique pick 105a: 1000 Escudos from 1953
31.7.1953. Blue on multicolor underprint. Portrait Mousinho de Albuquerque at right. Printer: BWC.
Mozambique pick 106a: 50 Escudos from 1958
24.7.1958. Black on multicolor. Like number 102 but without text: COLONIA PORTUGUESA below bank name; without printing over watermark at left. Back: Green. Ornate church doorway at center. Watermark: Arms. Printer: TDLR.
Other Info
Mozambique pick 109a: 100 Escudos from 1961
27.3.1961. Green on multicolor underprint. Portrait A. de Ornelas at right, arms at upper center. Back: Bank steamship seal at left. Printer: BWC without imprint. Watermark: Arms.
Mozambique pick 110a: 500 Escudos from 1967
22.3.1967. Purple on multicolored underprint. Portrait of C. Xavier at right, arms at upper center. Printer: BWC without imprint.
Mozambique pick 112a: 1000 Escudos from 1972
16.5.1972. Black-blue on multicolored underprint. King Alfonso V at right, arms at upper center. Three signature varieties. Back: allegorical woman with ships at left on back, bank steamship seal at upper center. Watermark: king Alfonso V. Serial number without prefix, and 2.5mm tall.
Mozambique pick 113a: 100 Escudos from 1972
23.5.1972. Blue on multicolored underprint. G. Coutinho and S. Cabral at left center. Back: surveyor at center. Watermark: G. Coutinho.
Mozambique pick 115a: 1000 Escudos from 1972
23.5.1972. Green on multicolored underprint. G. Coutinho at left center. Back: two men in cockpit of airplane at left center.
Other Info
Mozambique pick 116a: 50 Escudos from 1970
ND (1976 - old date 27.10.1970). Black on multicolored underprint. J. de Azevedo Coutinho at left center, arms at upper center right. Signature varieties. Overprint. Back: bank steamship seal at left.
Mozambique pick 117a: 100 Escudos from 1976
ND (1976 - old date 27.3.1961). Green on multicolored underprint. Portrait of A. de Ornelas at right, arms at upper center. Overprint. Back: bank steamship seal at left.
Mozambique pick 118a: 500 Escudos from 1976
ND (1976 - old date 22.3.1967). Purple on multicolored underprint. Portrait of C. Xavier at right, arms at upper center. Overprint.
Mozambique pick 119a: 1000 Escudos from 1976
ND (1976 - old date 23.5.1972). Green on multicolored underprint. G. Coutinho at left center. Overprint. Back: two men in cockpit of airplane at left center.
Mozambique pick 129b: 50 Meticas from 1986
16.6.1986. Dark brown and brown on multicolored underprint. Soldiers at left, flag ceremony at right, modified arms at center. Smaller size serial number. Back: soldiers in training.
Mozambique pick 130a: 100 Meticas from 1983
16.6.1983. Green on multicolored underprint. Soldiers at flagpole at left, E. Mondlane at right, modified arms at center. Smaller size serial number. Back: public ceremony.
Mozambique pick 130c: 100 Meticas from 1989
16.6.1989. Green on multicolored underprint. Soldiers at flagpole at left, E. Mondlane at right, modified arms at center. Smaller size serial number. Back: public ceremony.
Mozambique pick 132c: 1000 Meticas from 1989
16.6.1989. Deep red on multicolored underprint. President S. Machel with three young boys at right, revolutionary monument at left, modified arms at center. Smaller size serial number. Back: mining and harvesting scene.
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Mozambique pick 135: 1000 Meticas from 1991
16.6.1991. Brown and red on multicolored underprint. E. Mondlane at left center, military flag raising ceremony at right, arms at upper center right printed on silver and gold underlay. Back: monument at left center, bank seal at lower left. Watermark: J. Chissano. Printer: TDLR.
Mozambique pick 137a: 10000 Meticas from 1991
16.6.1991. Blue-green, brown, and orange on multicolored underprint. J. Chissano at left center, high tensions electrical towers at right, with farm tractor in field and high-rise city view in background at right, arms at upper center right printed on silver or gold underprint. Back: plowing with oxen at center, bank seal at lower left. Watermark: J. Chissano. Printer: TDLR.
Mozambique pick 138: 50000 Meticas from 1993
16.6.1993 (1994). Dark brown and red-brown on multicolored underprint. Back of Mozambique building at left center, arms at upper right. Back: Cabora Bassa hydroelectric dam. Watermark: bank monogram.
Mozambique pick 139: 100000 Meticas from 1993
16.6.1993 (1994). Red, brown-orange, and olive-brown on multicolored underprint. Back of Mozambique building at left center, arms at upper right. Back: Cabora Bassa hydroelectric dam. Watermark: bank monogram.
Mozambique pick 141: 200000 Meticas from 2003
16.6.2003 (2004). Dark blue and aqua on multicolored underprint. Back: dancing warriors.
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Mozambique pick 142: 500000 Meticas from 2003
16.6.2003 (2004). Purple, tan, and multicolored. Holographic seal at right. Serial numbers in green and black.
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Mozambique pick 144a: 50 Meticas from 2006
16.6.2006. Brown and tan on multicolored underprint. Samora Moises Machel at left center. Back: impalas.
Mozambique pick 149a: 20 Metica from 2011
16.6.2011. Violet. Samora Moises Machel at left center. Back: rhinoceros. Polymer plastic.
Mozambique pick 149b: 20 Metica from 2017
16.6.2017. Violet. Samora Moises Machel at left center. Back: rhinoceros. Polymer plastic.
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Mozambique pick 150a: 50 Metica from 2011
16.6.2011. Brown and multicolored. Samora Moises Machel at left center. Back: impalas. Polymer plastic.
Mozambique pick 151a: 100 Metica from 2011
16.6.2011. Red, brown, and multicolored. Samora Moises Machel at left center. Back: giraffes. Polymer plastic.
Mozambique pick 151b: 100 Metica from 2017
16.6.2017. Red, brown, and multicolored. Samora Moises Machel at left center. Back: giraffes. Polymer plastic.
Other Info
Mozambique pick R6c: 1 Libra from 1919
15.9.1919. Blue on multicolor underprint. Cancelled.
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Mozambique pick R24a: 1 Libra from 1930
1.11.1930. Blue on multicolor underprint. Printer: BWC.
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Mozambique pick R29: 20 Centavos from 1933
25.11.1933. Blue. Printer: BWC.