Primary Collection:
Martinique pick 6: 5 Francs from 1901
Law of 1901 (1934-1945). Purple. Man at left, woman at right. Three signature varieties. Back: blue-green. Law date.
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Martinique pick 16b: 5 Francs from 1942
ND (1942). Black on dull red underprint. Allegorical female figure at left. Back: woman at center. Printer: EAW. Blue serial number.
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Martinique pick 19a: 100 Francs from 1942
ND (1942). Green on multicolored underprint. Allegorical woman seated with fruit at left. Two signature varieties. Back: seated allegorical woman with child. Printer: ABNC.
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Martinique pick 29a: 20 Francs from 1947
ND (1947-1949). Multicolor. Portrait of E. Gentil at right. Overprint: MARTINIQUE. Printer: French printer.
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Martinique pick 30a: 50 Francs from 1947
ND (1947-1949). Multicolor. Portrait of Belain d'Esnambuc at left. Overprint: MARTINIQUE. Printer: French printer.
Martinique pick 31a: 100 Francs from 1947
ND (1947-1949). Multicolor. Portrait of La Bourdonnais at left, couple at right. Overprint: MARTINIQUE. Printer: French printer.