Primary Collection:
Malta pick 11: 2 Shillings from 1939
13.9.1939. 2 Shillings 6 Pence. Written style under signature at bottom. Violet, blue, and green. Portrait of King George VI at right. Uniface. Printer: BWC (without imprint).
Malta pick 14: 1 Pound from 1939
13.9.1939. Written style under signature at bottom. Brown and purple. Portrait of King George VI at right. Uniface. Printer: BWC (without imprint).
Malta pick 15: 1 Shilling from 1940
ND (1940 -old date 20.11.1918). 1 Shilling on 2 Shillings. Green and light blue. Overprint: red on Malta p9.
Malta pick 16: 1 Shilling from 1943
ND (1943). Purplish-blue and lilac. Portrait of King George VI at center. Uniface. Printer: BWC (without imprint).
Other Info
Malta pick 18: 2 Shillings from 1940
ND (1940). 2 Shillings 6 Pence. Blue, violet, and olive. Portrait of King George VI at right. Uniface. Printer: BWC (without imprint).
Other Info
Malta pick 20b: 1 Pound from 1940
ND (1940). Brown and violet. Portrait of King George VI at center. Uniface. Printer: BWC (without imprint). Title: treasurer below signature. Signature in script.
Other Info
Malta pick 22a: 1 Pound from 1951
Law of 1949 (1951). Brown. English George Cross at left, portrait of King George VI at right. Printer: TDLR.
Other Info
Malta pick 25a: 10 Shillings from 1949
Law of 1949 (1963). Green and blue on multicolored underprint. Queen Elizabeth II at right. Cross at center, Mgarr Harbor, Gozo on back. Printer: BWC.
Malta pick 27a: 5 Pounds from 1949
Law of 1949 (1961). Blue on multicolored underprint. Queen Elizabeth II at right. Cross at center, Gand Harbor on back. Printer: BWC.
Malta pick 28a: 10 Shillings from 1967
Law of 1967 (1968). Green and blue on multicolored underprint. Queen Elizabeth II at right. Cross at center, Mgarr Harbor on back. Printer: BWC.
Malta pick 32a: 5 Lira from 1973
L.1967 (1973). Blue on multicolor underprint. Arms at right, map at center, Neptune at left. Back: Marina at left, boats at center right. Watermark: Allegorical head of Malta. Printer: TDLR. Replacement notes: Serial number prefix X/1, Y/1 or Z/1 (by denomintation).
Malta pick 32b: 5 Lira from 1973
L.1967 (1973). Blue on multicolor underprint. Arms at right, map at center, Neptune at left. Back: Marina at left, boats at center right. Watermark: Allegorical head of Malta. Printer: TDLR. Replacement notes: Serial number prefix X/1, Y/1 or Z/1 (by denomintation).
Other Info
Malta pick 32d: 5 Lira from 1973
L.1967 (1973). Blue on multicolor underprint. Arms at right, map at center, Neptune at left. Back: Marina at left, boats at center right. Watermark: Allegorical head of Malta. Printer: TDLR. Replacement notes: Serial number prefix X/1, Y/1 or Z/1 (by denomintation).
Other Info
Malta pick 32e: 5 Lira from 1973
L.1967 (1973). Blue on multicolor underprint. Arms at right, map at center, Neptune at left. Back: Marina at left, boats at center right. Watermark: Allegorical head of Malta. Printer: TDLR. Replacement notes: Serial number prefix X/1, Y/1 or Z/1 (by denomintation).
Other Info
Malta pick 33a: 10 Lira from 1973
L.1967 (1973). Brown on multicolor underprint. Arms at right, map at center, Neptune at left. Back: View of Grand Harbour and boats. Watermark: Allegorical head of Malta. Printer: TDLR. Replacement notes: Serial number prefix X/1, Y/1 or Z/1 (by denomintation).
Other Info
Malta pick 33b: 10 Lira from 1973
L.1967 (1973). Brown on multicolor underprint. Arms at right, map at center, Neptune at left. Back: View of Grand Harbour and boats. Watermark: Allegorical head of Malta. Printer: TDLR. Replacement notes: Serial number prefix X/1, Y/1 or Z/1 (by denomintation).
Other Info
Malta pick 33c: 10 Lira from 1973
L.1967 (1973). Brown on multicolor underprint. Arms at right, map at center, Neptune at left. Back: View of Grand Harbour and boats. Watermark: Allegorical head of Malta. Printer: TDLR. Replacement notes: Serial number prefix X/1, Y/1 or Z/1 (by denomintation).
Other Info
Malta pick 33d: 10 Lira from 1973
L.1967 (1973). Brown on multicolor underprint. Arms at right, map at center, Neptune at left. Back: View of Grand Harbour and boats. Watermark: Allegorical head of Malta. Printer: TDLR. Replacement notes: Serial number prefix X/1, Y/1 or Z/1 (by denomintation).
Other Info
Malta pick 33e: 10 Lira from 1973
L.1967 (1973). Brown on multicolor underprint. Arms at right, map at center, Neptune at left. Back: View of Grand Harbour and boats. Watermark: Allegorical head of Malta. Printer: TDLR. Title: DEPUTAT GOVERNATUR. Replacement notes: Serial number prefix X/1, Y/1 or Z/1 (by denomintation).
Malta pick 35a: 5 Lira from 1979
L.1967 (1979). Purple and violet on multicolor underprint. Map at upper left, arms at upper right. Statue of "Culture" at center. Back: Aerial view of Marsa Industrial Estate at left center. Watermark: Allegorical head of Malta. Printer: TDLR. Without 2 dots. Replacement notes: Serial prefix X/2, Y/2 or Z/2 (by denomination).
Malta pick 40a: 20 Lira from 1986
L.1967 (1986). Brown and red-brown on multicolor underprint, with four brown horizontal accounting bars at lower ri Sailing craft and map of malta at center, A. Barbara at right. Back: Statue and government building at center. Watermark: Allegorical head of Malta. Printer: TDLR. Replacement notes: Serial number prefix W/2, X/2, Y/2 or Z/2 (by denomination).