Primary Collection:
Iran pick 19a: 10 Rials from 1932
AH1311 (1932). Brown on multicolor underprint. Portrait Shah Reza with high cap full face at right. Printer: ABNC.
Iran pick 20a: 20 Rials from 1932
AH1311 (1932). Red on multicolor underprint. Portrait Shah Reza with high cap full face at center. Printer: ABNC.
Iran pick 25a: 10 Rials from 1934
AH1313 (1934). Brown on multicolor underprint. Portrait Shah Reza with high cap in three-quarter face (towards left) at right. Signatures in German and Farsi. Back: Various dates stamped. (AH1312; 1313; 1314) or ND.
Iran pick 26b: 20 Rials from 1934
AH1313 (1934). Red on multicolor underprint. Portrait Shah Reza with high cap in three-quarter face (towards left) at center. Two signature varieties. Back: Various dates stamped. (AH1312; 1313; 1314) or ND.
Iran pick 32Ad: 5 Rials from 1938
AH1317 (1938). Red-brown on multicolor underprint. Portrait Shah Reza in three-quarter face towards left without cap at right. Serial number in Western or Persian numerals. Back: Persian text. Tomb of Daniel in Susa at center. Purple date stamp 1320 on back.
Iran pick 33Aa: 10 Rials from 1938
AH1317 (1938). Purple on multicolor underprint. Portrait Shah Reza in three-quarter face towards left without cap at right. Serial number in Western or Persian numerals. Back: Persian text. Without date stamp on back.
Iran pick 33Ab: 10 Rials from 1938
AH1317 (1938). Purple on multicolor underprint. Portrait Shah Reza in three-quarter face towards left without cap at right. Serial number in Western or Persian numerals. Back: Persian text. Violet or slate blue date stamp 1319 on back.
Iran pick 33Ac: 10 Rials from 1938
AH1317 (1938). Purple on multicolor underprint. Portrait Shah Reza in three-quarter face towards left without cap at right. Serial number in Western or Persian numerals. Back: Persian text. Blue date stamp 1320 on back.
Iran pick 34Aa: 20 Rials from 1938
AH1317 (1938). Orange on multicolor underprint. Portrait Shah Reza in three-quarter face towards left without cap at right. Serial number in Western or Persian numerals. Back: Persian text. Western serial number.
Other Info
Iran pick 34Ae: 20 Rials from 1938
AH1317 (1938). Orange on multicolor underprint. Portrait Shah Reza in three-quarter face towards left without cap at right. Serial number in Western or Persian numerals. Back: Persian text. Purple date stamp 1320 on back.
Other Info
Iran pick 35Aa: 50 Rials from 1938
AH1317 (1938). Green on multicolor underprint. Portrait Shah Reza in three-quarter face towards left without cap at right. Serial number in Western or Persian numerals. Back: Persian text. Western number on face.
Iran pick 36Ae: 100 Rials from 1938
AH1317 (1938). Light brown on multicolor underprint. Portrait Shah Reza in three-quarter face towards left without cap at right. Serial number in Western or Persian numerals. Back: Persian text. Slate gray date stamp 1321 on back.
Other Info
Iran pick 42: 50 Rials from 1944
ND (1944). Dark green on lavender and violet underprint. First portrait Shah Pahlavi in army uniform at right. Stylized cock and ornate design at center. Back: Tomb of Cyrus at Pasargadae. Watermark: Imperial Crown. Printer: Harrison (without imprint). Large format.
Iran pick 51: 200 Rials from 1951
ND (1951). Dark green and light yellow. Carved tray at center. Second portrait Shah Pahlavi in army uniform at right. Back: Railroad bridge and tunnels. Watermark: Young Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. Printer: Harrison (without imprint). Small format.
Iran pick 58a: 200 Rials from 1951
SH1330 (1951). Dark blue, light blue and brown. Third portrait Shah Pahlavi in civilian attire at right. Yellow security thread runs vertically. Ruins of Persepolis at center. Back: Allahverdikhan bridge in Isfahan. Watermark: Young Shah Pahlavi. Printer: Harrison (without imprint).
Iran pick 59: 10 Rials from 1953
SH1332 (1953). Dark blue and multicolor. Shepherd and ram at center. Back: Royal seal of Darius.
Iran pick 70: 200 Rials from 1958
SH1337 (1958). Blue on purple, orange and multicolor underprint. Fifth portrait Shah Pahlavi in army uniform at right. Yellow security thread runs vertically. Ruins of Persepolis at center. Back: Mehrabad Airport in Tehran. Watermark: Young Saha Pahlavi. Printer: Harrison (without imprint).
Iran pick 84a: 20 Rials from 1969
ND (1969). Dark brown on pink and green underprint. Portrait of Shah Pahlavi in army uniform at right. Ornate design at center. Oriental hunters on horseback on back. Watermark: Young Shah Pahlavi. Yellow security thread.
Iran pick 85a: 50 Rials from 1969
ND (1969-1971). Green on orange and blue underprint. Portrait of Shah Pahlavi in army uniform at right. Ornate design at center. Koohrang Dam and tunnel on back. Watermark: Young Shah Pahlavi. Yellow security thread.
Iran pick 91c: 100 Rials from 1971
ND (1971-1973). Maroon on olive-green and multicolored underprint. Portrait of Shah Pahlavi in army uniform at right. Ornate design at center. Oil refinery at Abadan on back. Watermark: Young Pahlavi. Yellow security thread.
Iran pick 92a: 200 Rials from 1971
ND (1971-1973). Dark blue on orange and lavender underprint. Portrait of Shah Pahlavi in army uniform at right. Ornate design at center. Railroad bridge on back. Watermark: Young Pahlavi. Yellow security thread.
Iran pick 93a: 500 Rials from 1971
ND (1971-1973). Black on orange, green, and multicolored underprint. Portrait of Shah Pahlavi in army uniform at right. Ornate design at center. Winged horses on back. Watermark: Young Pahlavi. Yellow security thread.
Iran pick 94c: 1000 Rials from 1971
ND (1971-1973). Brown on red, blue, and multicolored underprint. Portrait of Shah Pahlavi in army uniform at right. Ornate design at center. Tomb of Hafez at Shiraz on back. Watermark: Young Pahlavi. Yellow security thread.
Iran pick 98a: 100 Rials from 1971
SH1350 (1971). 500th Anniversary of the Persian Empire. Maroon on orange and multicolored underprint. Portrait of Shah Pahlavi in the Commander in Chief of Iranian armed forces uniform at right. Multicolored geometric and floral design. Three vignettes labeled: HEALTH, AGRICULTURE, and EDUCATION on back. Watermark: Young Pahlavi. Yellow security thread. Printer: TDLR.
Iran pick 100a1: 20 Rials from 1974
ND (1974-1979). Brown on orange, lilac, and multicolored underprint. Shah Pahlavi at right. Persian carpet design, shepherd and ram at left. Amir Kabir Dam near Karaj on back. Watermark: Young Shah Pahlavi. Yellow security thread. Printer: TDLR. Farsi denomination short.
Iran pick 102a: 100 Rials from 1974
ND (1974-1979). Maroon on orange, green, and multicolored underprint. Portrait of Shah Pahlavi at right. Persian carpet design at left. Pahlavi Museum at left center on back. Yellow security thread. Printer: TDLR.
Iran pick 103c: 200 Rials from 1974
ND (1974-1979). Blue on green and multicolored underprint. Portrait of Shah Pahlavi at right. Persian carpet design at left. Shahyad Square in Tehran on back. Twelve point star in design on back. Yellow security thread. Printer: TDLR. Monument name as Shahyad Aryamer at lower left on back.
Iran pick 105b: 1000 Rials from 1974
ND (1974-1979). Brown on green, red, yellow and multicolored underprint. Portrait of Shah Pahlavi at right. Persian carpet design at left. Tomb of Hafez in Shiraz on back. Yellow security thread. Printer: TDLR.
Iran pick 105d: 1000 Rials from 1974
ND (1974-1979). Brown on green, red, yellow and multicolored underprint. Portrait of Shah Pahlavi at right. Persian carpet design at left. Tomb of Hafez in Shiraz on back. Black security thread. Printer: TDLR.
Iran pick 106b: 5000 Rials from 1974
ND (1974-1979). Purple on pink, green, and multicolored underprint. Portrait of Shah Pahlavi at right. Persian carpet design at left. Golestan Palace in Tehran on back. Yellow security thread. Printer: TDLR.
Iran pick 106c: 5000 Rials from 1974
ND (1974-1979). Purple on pink, green, and multicolored underprint. Portrait of Shah Pahlavi at right. Persian carpet design at left. Golestan Palace in Tehran on back. Black security thread. Printer: TDLR.
Iran pick 108: 100 Rials from 1976
ND (1976). 50th Anniversary of the Founding of the Pahlavi Dynasty. Maroon on orange, green, and multicolored underprint. Portrait of Shah Pahlavi with Shah Reza at right. Persian carpet design at left with old Bank Melli at bottom center. 50th anniversary design in purple and lavender consisting of 50 suns surrounding Pahlavi. Crown on back. Yellow security thread. Printer: TDLR.
Iran pick 111b: 50 Rials from 1978
ND (1978-1979). Green type B overprint at right. Arabesque design over Shah at right. Watermark area at left without overprint. Green on brown, blue, and multicolored underprint. Persian carpet design at left. Tomb of Cyrus the Great at Pasargarde at left center on back. Yellow security thread. Printer: TDLR.
Iran pick 118b: 100 Rials from 1979
ND (1979). Black type D overprint. Arabesque design over Shah at right. Lion and sun national emblem over watermark area at left. Maroon on orange, green, and multicolored underprint. Portrait of Shah Pahlavi at right. Persian carpet design at left. Pahlavi Museum at left center on back. Black security thread. Printer: TDLR.
Iran pick 123b: 50 Rials from 1981
ND (1981). Arabesque black type D design over Shah at right and black calligraphic Persian text JUMHURI-YE ISLAMI-YE-IRAN (Islamic Republic of Iran) over watermark area at left. Green on brown, blue, and multicolored underprint. Portrait of Shah Pahlavi at right. Persian carpet design at left. Tomb of Cyrus the Great at Pasargarde at left center on back. Black security thread. Printer: TDLR.
Iran pick 133a: 5000 Rials from 1981
ND (1981). Violet, red-orange, and brown on multicolored underprint. Mullahs leading marchers carrying posters of Ayatollah Khomeini at center. Hazrat Masoumeh shrine at left center on back. Watermark: arms. White security thread with BANK MARKAZI IRAN in black Persian script runs vertically. Printer: TDRL (without imprint).
Iran pick 134a: 10000 Rials from 1981
ND (1981). Dark blue and green on yellow and multicolored underprint. Mullahs leading marchers carrying posters of Ayatollah Khomeini at center. Imam Reza shrine in Mashad at center on back. Watermark: Republic seal. White security thread with BANK MARKAZI IRAN in black Persian script runs vertically. Printer: TDRL (without imprint).
Other Info
Iran pick 134c: 10000 Rials from 1981
ND (1981). Dark blue and green on yellow and multicolored underprint. Mullahs leading marchers carrying posters of Ayatollah Khomeini at center. Imam Reza shrine in Mashad at center on back. Watermark: Arms. White security thread with BANK MARKAZI IRAN in black Persian script runs vertically. Printer: TDRL (without imprint).
Iran pick 135: 100 Rials from 1982
ND (1982). Maroon on light brown and multicolored unerprint. Imam Reza shrine at Mashad at right. madressa Chahr-Bagh in Isfahan on back. Watermark is NOT the Republic seal. White security thread with black BANK MARKAZI IRAN in Persian letters repeatedly runs vertically. Printer: TDLR (without imprint).
Iran pick 136b: 200 Rials from 1982
ND (1982). Aqua and blue-black on multicolored underprint. Mosque at center. Farmers and farm tractors at left center on back. White security thread with black BANK MARKAZI IRAN in Persian letters repeatedly runs vertically. Printer: TDLR (without imprint). Watermark: arms.
Iran pick 136c: 200 Rials from 1982
ND (1982). Aqua and blue-black on multicolored underprint. Mosque at center. Farmers and farm tractors at left center on back. White security thread with black BANK MARKAZI IRAN in Persian letters repeatedly runs vertically. Printer: TDLR (without imprint). Watermark: Arms.
Iran pick 136e: 200 Rials from 1982
ND (1982). Aqua and blue-black on multicolored underprint. Mosque at center. Farmers and farm tractors at left center on back. White security thread with black BANK MARKAZI IRAN in Persian letters repeatedly runs vertically. Printer: TDLR (without imprint). Watermark: Khomeini.
Iran pick 137Aa: 500 Rials from 2003
ND(2003). Gray and olive. Feyzieh Madressa Seminary at lower left, prayer gathering at center. Architectural image at lower left to right of center of building. White security thread with BANK MARKAZI IRAN in black. Back: Tehran university. Printer: TDLR (without imprint). Watermark: Khomeini.
Iran pick 138k: 1000 Rials from 1982
ND (1982-2002). Dark olive-green, red-brown, and brown on multicolored underprint. Feyzieh Madressa Seminary at center. Mosque of Omar (Dome of the Rock) in Jerusalem on back. White security thread with black BANK MARKAZI IRAN in Persian letters repeatedly runs vertically. Printer: TDLR (without imprint). Watermark: Arms.
Other Info
Iran pick 140f: 100 Rials from 1985
ND (1985-). Purple on multicolored underprint. Ayatollah Moddaress at right. Parliament at left on back. Printer: TDLR (without imprint). Watermark: Khomeini.
Iran pick 143b: 1000 Rials from 1992
ND (1992-). Brown and dark green on multicolored underprint. Khomeini at right. Mosque of Omar (Dome of the Rock) in Jerusalem at center on back.
Iran pick 143f: 1000 Rials from 1992
ND (1992-). Brown and dark green on multicolored underprint. Khomeini at right. Mosque of Omar (Dome of the Rock) in Jerusalem at center on back. Watermark: Khomeini.
Other Info
Iran pick 144a: 2000 Rials from 2005
ND (2005). Lilac and green on multicolored underprint. Khomeini at right. Back: mosque interior in Mecca. Watermark: Khomeini.
Iran pick 145d: 5000 Rials from 1993
ND (1993-). Dark brown, brown, and olive-green on multicolored underprint. Khomeini at right. Back red-violet and pale olive-green on multicolored underprint; flowers and birds at center right. Watermark: Khomeini.
Other Info
Iran pick 146c: 10000 Rials from 1992
ND (1992-). Deep blue-green, blue, and olive-green on multicolored underprint. Khomeini at right. Mount Damavand at center right on back. Watermark: Khomeini.
Iran pick 147c: 20000 Rials from 2004
ND (2004-2005). Blue and green on multicolored underprint. Large Imam Khomeini at right. Khomeini square in Isfahan on back.
Iran pick 148a: 20000 Rials from 2005
2005. Blue and green on multicolored underprint. Smaller Iman Khomeini at right. Khomeini square in Isfahan on back. Large signature.
Iran pick M1: 12 Kran from 1916
ND (1916-17 - old date 3.10.1904). 12 Kran 10 Shahi on 5 Mark. Overprint: Red; denomination in Persian on both sides of Germany p8.
Iran pick M2: 25 Kran from 1916
ND (1916-17 - old date 6.10.1906). 25 Kran on 10 Mark. Overprint: Red; denomination in Persian on both sides of Germany p9.
Iran pick M4a: 25 Tomans from 1916
ND (1916-17 - old date 21.4.1910). 25 Tomans on 100 Mark. Overprint: Red; on Germany p42.