Primary Collection:
German Federal Republic
German Federal Republic pick 16a: 10 Deutsche Mark from 1949
22.8.1949. Blue. Allegorical figures of 2 women and a man at center. With bank name. Printer: ABNC. (Without imprint).
German Federal Republic pick 18a: 5 Deutsche Mark from 1960
2.1.1960. Green on multicolored underprint. Young Venetian woman by Albrecht Durer at right and as watermark. Oak sprig at left center on back.
German Federal Republic pick 20a: 20 Deutsche Mark from 1960
2.1.1960. Black and green on multicolored underprint. Elsbeth Tucher by Albrecht Durer at right and as watermark. Violin, bow, and clarinet on back.
Other Info
German Federal Republic pick 31d: 10 Deutsche Mark from 1980
2.1.1980. Blue on multicolored underprint. Young man by Albrecht Durer at right and as watermark. Sail training ship Gorch Fock on back. With DEUTSCHE BUNDESBANK 1963 on back.
German Federal Republic pick 38c: 10 Deutsche Mark from 1993
1.10.1993. Purple, violet, and blue on multicolored underprint. Carl Friedrich Gauss at right. Sextant at left center, mapping at lower right in watermark area on back.
German Federal Republic pick 38d: 10 Deutsche Mark from 1999
1.9.1999. Purple, violet, and blue on multicolored underprint. Carl Friedrich Gauss at right. Sextant at left center, mapping at lower right in watermark area on back.
German Federal Republic pick 40a: 50 Deutsche Mark from 1989
2.1.1989. Dark brown and red-brown on multicolored underprint. Balthasar Neuman at right. Architectural drawing of Bishop\'s residence in Wurzburg at left center, building blueprint at lower right in watermark area on back.
German Federal Republic pick 41a: 100 Deutsche Mark from 1989
2.1.1989. Deep blue and violet on multicolored underprint. Clara Schumann at center right. Building at left in background, grand piano at center, multiple tuning forks at lower right in watermark area on back.
German Federal Republic pick 45: 50 Deutsche Mark from 1996
2.1.1996. Dark brown and red-brown on multicolored underprint. Balthasar Neuman at right. Architectural drawing of Bishop\'s residence in Wurzburg at left center, building blueprint at lower right in watermark area on back. Square shaped Kinegram foil at left center.