
Italy pick 93b: 500 Lire from 1975
23.4.1975. Dark gray on blue and multicolored underprint. Eagle with snake at left, Arethusa at right. Three signature varieties.

Italy pick 103a: 2000 Lire from 1973
8.10.1973. Brown and green on light tan and olive underprint. Galileo at center, ornate arms at left, buildings and leaning tower of Pisa at right. Signs of the Zodiac on back. Watermark: Man\'s head. Seal with winged lion.

Italy pick 114c: 1000 Lire from 1990
Decredo Ministeriate 3.10.1990. Red-violet and multicolored. M. Montessori at right and as watermark. Teacher and student at left center on back. Seal with winged lion.

Italy pick 115a: 2000 Lire from 1990
Decredo Ministeriate 3.10.1990. Dark brown on multicolored underprint. Arms at left center, G. Marconi at right and as watermark. Marconi's yacht Elettra at upper left center, radio towers at left, early radio set at center on back. Seal with winged lion.