Banknotes: Zambia
Zambia pick 27d: 20 Kwacha from 1980
ND (1980-88). Green and olive-brown on multicolor underprint. President K. Kaunda at right, African fish eagle at left center. Back: Woman with basket on head at center right. Watermark: President K. Kaunda. Printer: TDLR.
Other Info
Zambia pick 28a: 50 Kwacha from 1986
ND (1986-1988). Purple, violet and multicolor. President K. Kaunda at right, African fish eagle at left center. Back: \"Chainbreaker\" statue at left, modern building at left center. Watermark: President K. Kaunda. Printer: TDLR.
Zambia pick 35a: 500 Kwacha from 1991
ND (1991). Brown on multicolor underprint. Older President K. Kaunda at right, fish eagle at left, tree over arms at center. Back: Elephant at left, workers picking cotton at center. Watermark: Older President K. Kaunda.
Zambia pick 37g: 50 Kwacha from 2008
2008. Red on multicolor underprint. Fish eagle at right, seal of arms with date at lower left, sausage tree at center, zebra at left. Back: Copper refining at Nkana Mine at center, "Chainbreaker" statue at lower center right. Watermark: Fish eagle's head. Printer: TDLR.
Zambia pick 44d: 1000 Kwacha from 2005
2005. Multicolor. Fish eagle at left, Baobab tree at center. Back: aardvark at left, sorghum farmers on tractor at center, \'Chainbreaker\' statue at center right. UV Value in box and design elements fluoresce yellow; vertical serial number orange. Polymer plastic.
Zambia pick 46e: 10000 Kwacha from 2008
2008. Aqua, brown-violet, and yellow-brown on multicolored underprint. Fish eagle at right, Masuku tree at center, seal of arms with date at lower left. Foil fish eagel head at lower left. Back: porcupine at left, harvesting rice paddy at center, 'Chainbreaker' statue at center right. Watermark: fish eagle's head. Printer: TDLR. Altered security features.