North America: Mexico
Mexico pick 58b: 10 Pesos from 1954
8.9.1954. Black on multicolor underprint. Portrait E. Ruiz de Velazquez at right. Like p53 but with text: MEXICO D.F. above series letters. Signature varieties. Back: Brown. Road to Guanajuato at center. Printer: ABNC. Series: EI-EN.
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Mexico pick 59l: 1 Peso from 1970
22.7.1970. Black on multicolor underprint. Aztec calendar stone at center. Like p56 but with text: MEXICO D.F. added above date at lower left. Back: Red. Independence monument at center. Printer: ABNC. Series: BIG-BIP.
Mexico pick 60h: 5 Pesos from 1963
24.4.1963. Black on multicolor underprint. Portrait gypsy at center. Like p57 but with Text: MEXICO D.F. before date. Back: Gray. Independence Monument at center. Printer: ABNC. Series: AIE-AJJ.
Mexico pick 62a: 5 Pesos from 1969
3.12.1969. Black on multicolor underprint. J. Ortiz de Dominguez at right, bank titie with S. A. 3 signatures and signature varieties. Back: Yucca plant, aqueduct, village of Queretaro and national arms. Printer: BdM.
Mexico pick 63c: 10 Pesos from 1970
22.7.1970. Dark green on multicolor underprint. Bell at left, M. Hidalgo y Castilla at right, bank titie with S. A. 3 signatures and signature varieties. Back: National arms and Dolores Cathedral. Printer: BdM.
Mexico pick 64b: 20 Pesos from 1973
18.7.1973. Red and black on multicolor underprint. J. Morelos y Pavon at right with building in background, bank titie with S. A. 3 signatures and signature varieties. Back: Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl. Printer: BdM.
Mexico pick 65a: 50 Pesos from 1973
18.7.1973. Blue on multicolor underprint. Government palace at left, B. Juárez at right, bank titie with S. A. 3 signatures and signature varieties. red and black series letters and serial number. Back: Temple and Aztec god. Printer: BdM.
Mexico pick 68c: 100 Pesos from 1979
17.5.1979. Purple on multicolor underprint. V. Carranza at left, La Trinchera painting at center, bank title with S. A. Red series letters and a black serial number. 3 signatures. Back: Stone figure. Printer: BdM. Litho back. Series LS and later.
Mexico pick 68c: 100 Pesos from 1979
17.5.1979. Purple on multicolor underprint. V. Carranza at left, La Trinchera painting at center, bank title with S. A. Red series letters and a black serial number. 3 signatures. Back: Stone figure. Printer: BdM. Litho back. Series LS and later.
Mexico pick 79b: 500 Pesos from 1984
7.8.1984. Green on multicolor underprint. F. I. Madero at left, bank titile without S. A., narrow serial number style. 4 signatures. No watermark. Back: Aztec calendar stone. White. Printer: BdM. Similar to #75 but with silk threads. Design continued over watermark area on both sides.
Mexico pick 85: 1000 Pesos from 1985
19.7.1985. Dark brown and brown on multicolor underprint. J. de Asbaje at right, bank titile without S. A. 3 signatures and signature varieties, narrow serial number style. Back: Santo Domingo plaza at left center. Watermark: J. de Asbaje. Printer: BdM.
Mexico pick 93b: 50000 Pesos from 1989
28.3.1989; 10.1.1990; 20.12.1990. Purple on multicolor underprint. Aztec symbols at center, Cuauhtémoc at right. 3 signatures, S.A. removed from bank title. Back: Aztec and Spaniard fighting at left center. Pink. Watermark:Cuauhtémoc. Printer: BdM.
Mexico pick 122u: 20 Pesos from 2012
12.6.2012. Blue. Benito Juarez at right center., book and scales at center. Back: View of Cocijo. Polymer plastic. Series U.
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Mexico pick 123Am: 50 Pesos from 2014
27.10.2014. Lilac red and violet. Jose Maria Morelos at right center. Back: Morelia Aqueduct. Series M.
Mexico pick 124ac: 100 Pesos from 2013
24.4.2013. Red on yellow and multicolored underprint. Nezahualcoyotl at right. Back: temple and central square. Series AC.
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Mexico pick 125ah: 200 Pesos from 2011
12.9.2011. Green and brown on multicolored underprint. Juana de Asbaje at right center. Back: hacienda de Panoyan. Watermark: Asbaje and 200. Series AH.
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Mexico pick 126ag: 500 Pesos from 2013
17.10.2013. Brown on tan underprint. Diego Riviera at center. Back: two of Riviera's paintings at center. Series AG.