Europe: Bulgaria
Bulgaria pick 55a: 500 Leva from 1938
1938. Lilac, brown and green. Portrait King Boris III at left, arms at right. Back: Sheaf of wheat at right.Watermark: Woman\'s head. Printer: G&D.
Bulgaria pick 81a: 3 Leva from 1951
1951. Deep olive-green on green and orange underprint. Arms at left. Back: Upright hands holding hammer and sickle. Watermark:BNB with hammer and sickle.
Bulgaria pick 82a: 5 Leva from 1951
1951. Blue and green. Arms at left center. Back: Upright hands holding hammer and sickle. Watermark: BNB with hammer and sickle.
Bulgaria pick 83a: 10 Leva from 1951
1951. Red-brown on multicolor underprint. Farm tractor at right. Back: G. Dimitrov at left, arms at right. Watermark: BNB with hammer and sickle.
Bulgaria pick 84a: 25 Leva from 1951
1951. Gray blue on multicolor underprint. Railroad construction at center. Back: G. Dimitrov at left, arms at right. Watermark: BNB with hammer and sickle.
Bulgaria pick 87a: 200 Leva from 1951
1951. Gray-blue and black on multicolor underprint. Farmers harvesting tobacco at center. Back: G. Dimitrov at left, arms atright. Watermark: Hammer and sickle.
Bulgaria pick 93a: 1 Lev from 1974
1974. Brown on multicolored underprint. Monument for the Battle of Shipka Pass at left center on back.
Modified arms with dates 681-1944 at left. Watermark: decorative design. Issued note with a six digit serial number.
Bulgaria pick 100a: 20 Leva from 1991
1991. Blue-black and blue-green on multicolored underprint. Dutchess Sevastokrat Oritza Desislava at left center. Boyana Church at right on back.
Watermark: Arms (lion).