Europe: Romania
Romania pick 51a: 500 Lei from 1940
1.11.1940-26.1.1943. Brown on multicolor underprint. Two farm wives at left. 2 signature varieties. Back: Villa with trees. Watermark: BNR horizontal or vertical.
Romania pick 91a: 1 Leu from 1966
1966. Olive-brown and tan. Arms at center. Watermark: Rhombuses.
Romania pick 112a: 10000 Lei from 2000
2000. Green and blue on multicolor underprint. George Enescu at right, floral ornament, musical notes at center, arms at upper left. Bank monogram at upper center right. Back: Sphinx of Carpathian mountains at left center, musical chord from Oedip King above, bank mon Watermark: George Enescu. Polymer plastic.
Romania pick M4: 2 Lei from 1917
ND (1917). Black text on pale red underprint. Woman at left, Mercury at right. Printer: German.