T, U & V:
Venezuela pick 57a: 10 Bolivares from 1980
29.1.1980. Purple on multicolor underprint. Antonio Jose de Sucre at right. Serial number prefix A. 7 or 8 digit serial number. Back: Arms at left, officers on horseback at center right. Printer: ABNC.
Collectors Comment: TBB B337a
Venezuela pick 64: 20 Bolivares from 1984
25.9.1984. Dark green on multicolor underprint. Like number 63, but title 84mm and without central design in left center guilloche, also other minor plate differences. Latent image BCV in guilloches easily seen. Serial number prefix J (8 Watermark: Jose Antonio Paez. Printer: CdM-B (without imprint).
Collectors Comment: Prefix: J - S TBB B329a
Other Info
Venezuela pick 66e: 100 Bolivares from 1992
8.12.1992. Dark brown and brown-violet on multicolor underprint. Simon BolÃvar at right. Back: National Capitol at left, arms at right. Watermark: Simon BolÃvar. Printer: BDDK (without imprint). Serial number prefix: E-H, K-N.
Collectors Comment: Prefix: E-N TBB B334e
Venezuela pick 88e: 2 Bolivares from 2012
27.12.2012. Dark blue and light brown on multicolored underprint. Francisco de Miranda. Back: two porpoises. Printer: CMV.
Collectors Comment: TBB B358e
Venezuela pick 89e: 5 Bolivares from 2013
29.10.2013. Brown and orange on multicolored underprint. Negro Primero. Back: two armadillos. Printer: CMV.
Collectors Comment: Serial # prefixes: R, S. TBB B359f
Venezuela pick 90d: 10 Bolivares from 2013
29.10.2013. Purple, green, and tan on multicolored underprint. Cacique Guaicaipuro. Back: harpy eagle. Printer: CMV.
Collectors Comment: Serial # prefixes: T - X. TBB B360d
Venezuela pick 91f: 20 Bolivares from 2013
29.10.2013. Purple, green, and lilac on multicolored underprint. Luisa Caceres de Arismendi. Back: two sea turtles. Printer: CMV.
Collectors Comment: Serial # prefixes: U - Y. TBB B361f
Venezuela pick 92k: 50 Bolivares from 2015
5.11.2015. Green and yellow on multicolored underprint. Simon Rodriguez. Back: bear. Printer: CMV.
Collectors Comment: Serial # prefixes: AM, AN, AP, AR, AS, AT, AU, AV, AW, AX. TBB B362k
Venezuela pick 93j: 100 Bolivares from 2015
5.11.2015. Brown and tan on multicolored underprint. Simon Bolivar. Back: two birds. Printer: CMV.
Collectors Comment: Serial # prefixes: BX, BY, CA, CB, CC, CD, CE, CF, CG. TBB B363k
Venezuela pick 94b: 500 Bolivares from 2017
23.3.2017. Brown and blue on multicolored underprint. Simon Bolivar at bottom on face. Back: two dolphins.
Collectors Comment: Prefix: B25 - U59 TBB B364b
Venezuela pick 95b: 1000 Bolivares from 2017
23.3.2017. Purple and violet on multicolored underprint. Negro Primero. Back: two armadillos. Printer: CMV.
Collectors Comment: Serial # prefixes: B50 - R81. TBB B365b
Venezuela pick 96a: 2000 Bolivares from 2016
18.8.2016 (2017). Brown and maroon on tan and multicolored underprint. Cacique Guaicaipuro. Back: harpy eagle. Printer: CMV.
Collectors Comment: Serial # prefix: A-B. TBB B366a
Venezuela pick 97b: 5000 Bolivares from 2017
23.3.2017. Purple and lilac on green and multicolored underprint. Luisa Caceres de Arismendi. Back: two sea turtles. Printer: CMV.
Collectors Comment: Serial # prefixes: B62 - D48. TBB B367b
Venezuela pick 98b: 10000 Bolivares from 2017
13.12.2017. Blue and dark blue on multicolored underprint. Simon Rodriguez. Back: bear. Printer: CMV.
Collectors Comment: Serial # prefixes: A84 - C33. TBB B368b
Venezuela pick 99c: 20000 Bolivares from 2017
13.12.2017. Red and magenta on pink, yellow, and multicolored underprint. Simon Bolivar. Back: two birds. Printer: CMV. Wide segmented security thread.
Collectors Comment: Serial # prefixes: B18 - D44… TBB B369c
Venezuela pick 100b2: 100000 Bolivar from 2017
13.12.2017. Green and brown. Simon Bolivar on face. Back: two birds on foilage; mountains in background. Security thread change revised to include horse.
Collectors Comment: Serial # prefixes: B - C. TBB B370c
Venezuela pick 101: 2 Bolivar from 2018
15.1.2018. Green and red brown. Josefa Camejo. Back: parrot with Morrocoy National Park in the background.
Collectors Comment: Serial # prefixes: A - P. TBB B371a
Venezuela pick 102: 5 Bolivar from 2018
15.1.2018. Brown and orange. Jose Camejo. Back: sapito rayado frog at center. Henri Pittier National Park in the background.
Collectors Comment: Serial # prefixes: A - G. TBB B372a
Venezuela pick 103: 10 Bolivar from 2018
15.1.2018. General Rafael Urdaneta. Back: giant anteater with thunderstorm in background.
Collectors Comment: Serial # prefixes: A, B, C, D, E, F, G. TBB B373a
Venezuela pick 104: 20 Bolivar from 2018
15.1.2018. Brlue. Simon Rodriguez on face. Back: jaguar with Waraira Repano National Park in background.
Collectors Comment: Serial # prefixes: A, B. TBB B374a
Venezuela pick 105a: 50 Bolivar from 2018
15.1.2018. Brown and multicolored. Antoine Jose Sucre. Back: Cunaguaro with Peninsula de Paria National Park in background.
Collectors Comment: Serial # prefixes: A, B, C, D, E. TBB B375a
Venezuela pick 106r: 100 Bolivar from 2018
15.1.2018. Purple and multicolored. Ezequiel Zamora. Back: spider monkey with Guatopo National Park in background. As a replacement banknote with serial number prefix Z.
Collectors Comment: Serial # prefixes: G, H, J. TBB B376b
Other Info
Venezuela pick 107b: 200 Bolivar from 2018
13.3.2018. Brown and blue. Francisco Miranda. Back: military macaw with Waraira Repano National Park in background.
Collectors Comment: Serial # prefixes: M, N, P, Q, R. TBB B377b
Venezuela pick 108b: 500 Bolivar from 2018
18.5.2018. Simon Bolivar. Back: troupial bird with Macarao National Park in background.
Collectors Comment: Serial # prefixes: A, B, C, D, E, F. TBB B378b
Venezuela pick 109a: 10000 Bolivar from 2019
January 22nd, 2019 (22 de Enero do 2019). Blue. Wide, segmented security thread.
Collectors Comment: Prefix: A. TBB B379a
Venezuela pick 110a: 20000 Bolivar from 2019
January 22nd, 2019 (22 de Enero de 2019). Green. Wide, segmented security strip.
Collectors Comment: Purchased from Banknoteworld.com Serial # prefix: A, B. TBB B380a
Venezuela pick 111a: 50000 Bolivar from 2019
January 22nd, 2019 (22 de Enero de 2019). Orange and brown. Wide, segmented security thread.
Collectors Comment: TBB B381a
Venezuela pick 112: 200000 Bolivar from 2020
3 de Septiembre de 2020. Grey-brown. Vertical format. Simon Bolivar at botton on face. Wide, segmented security thread. Watermark: Simon Bolivar & BVC. Printer: CMV.
Collectors Comment: Purchased from banknoteworld.com Serial # prefix: A TBB B382a
Venezuela pick 112A: 500000 Bolivar from 2020
3 de Septiembre de 2020. Navy blue. Vertical format. Simon Bolivar at botton on face. Wide, segmented security thread. Watermark: Simon Bolivar & BVC. Printer: CMV.
Collectors Comment: Serial # prefix: A-C. TBB B383a
Venezuela pick 113: 1000000 Bolivar from 2020
3 de Septiembre de 2020. Brown. Narrow, segmented security thread.
Collectors Comment: Serial # prefix: C,E. TBB B384a