East Caribbean States
East Caribbean States pick 17g: 1 Dollar from 1985
ND (1985-1988). Red on multicolored underprint. Windsurfer at left, Queen Elizabeth II at center right, map at right. Coastline with rocks and trees at left center on back. Watemark: Queen Elizabeth II. Printer: TDLR. Suffix letter G.
Collectors Comment: Lettera G - Grenada I Caraibi sono una vasta regione geografica delle Americhe che comprende tutti i paesi bagnati dal Mare Caraibico, cioè tutte le isole delle Antille e i litorali di alcuni paesi continentali del centro e sud America che si affacciano su di questo mare. L'area caraibica è costituita dalle numerose isole che separano il Golfo del Messico dal mar dei Caraibi e quest'ultimo dall'Oceano Atlantico. Le isole sono raggruppate in arcipelaghi, a loro volta compresi in gruppi più vasti: le Grandi Antille (Cuba, Hispaniola, Giamaica e Porto Rico), di cui la maggiore è Cuba; le Piccole Antille, di cui la maggiore è Trinidad, a est delle Grandi Antille; l'Arcipelago delle Bahama (Bahamas e Turks e Caicos), di natura corallina, a nord delle Grandi Antille
East Caribbean States pick 22a1: 5 Dollars from 1988
ND (1988-1993). Deep green on multicolored underprint. Windsurfer at left, Queen Elizabeth II at center right, map at right. Coastline with rocks and trees at left center on back. Watemark: Queen Elizabeth II. Printer: TDLR. Anguilla island named at top of map at right. Suffix letter A.
Collectors Comment: Lettera A (Antigua). Le isole dei Caraibi orientali sono le Isole Vergini Americane, le Isole Vergini Britanniche, Sint Maarten e Porto Rico.
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East Caribbean States pick 23l1: 10 Dollars from 1985
ND (1985-1993). Blue on multicolored underprint. Windsurfer at left, Queen Elizabeth II at center right, map at right. Harbor at Grenada, sailboats at left on back. Watemark: Queen Elizabeth II. Printer: TDLR. Anguilla island named at top of map at right. Suffix letter L.
Collectors Comment: Lettera L (St. Lucia)
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East Caribbean States pick 55Aa: 5 Dollars from 2021
ND (2021). Green on green and multicolored underprint. Vertical format on front an back. Front of banknote features Queen Elizabeth II at top, humming bird at bottom. The back of the banknote features Trafalgar Falls in Dominica, and the Admiral's House in Antigua and Barbuda.
East Caribbean States pick 55Aa: 5 Dollars from 2021
ND (2021). Green on green and multicolored underprint. Vertical format on front an back. Front of banknote features Queen Elizabeth II at top, humming bird at bottom. The back of the banknote features Trafalgar Falls in Dominica, and the Admiral's House in Antigua and Barbuda.
East Caribbean States pick 56: 10 Dollars from 2019
ND (2019). Grey blue on blue and multicolored underprint. Vertical format on front an back. Front of banknote features Queen Elizabeth II at top, humming bird at bottom. The back of the banknote features Admiralty Bay in St. Vincent and the Grenadines and teh Warspite in Anguilla.
East Caribbean States pick 57: 20 Dollars from 2019
ND (2019). Violet on pink and multicolored underprint. Vertical format on front an back. Front of banknote features Queen Elizabeth II at top. The back of the banknote features the Government House in Montserrat, and the Nutmeg in Grenada.
East Caribbean States pick 58: 50 Dollars from 2019
ND (2019). Brown on orange and multicolored underprint. Vertical format on front an back. Front of banknote features Queen Elizabeth II at top. The back of the banknote features Sir K. Dwight Venner and the Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park in St. Kitts and the Nevis.
East Caribbean States pick 59: 100 Dollars from 2019
ND (2019). Olive brown on beige and multicolored underprint. Vertical format on front an back. Front of banknote features Queen Elizabeth II at top. The back of the banknote features the late Sir Arthur Lewis, and the Pitons in Saint Lucia.
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East Caribbean States pick 60: 2 Dollars from 2023
ND (2023). Vertical format. Commemorative banknote: "40th Anniversary of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank." Red and blue on yellow underprint. Baseball player (Sir. I.V.A. "Viv" Richards, "the Master Blaster") at top, coral reef motif at bottom. Back: coral reef scene at center, map of Eastern Caribbean archipelago at center right.
East Caribbean States pick 63: 50 Dollars from 2024
Not dated (2024). Commemorative: "50 Years of Grenada's Independence" at top right, just below bank name. Red on green and multicolored underprint. Vertical format. Portrait of man at top, silhouettes of father, mother and son at cliffs edge at center in background, airplanes at bottom; slogan "One People, One Journey, One Future" at very bottom. Back: bearded man at top, traditional drummers and singer at center, landscape of a seaside town at bottom.