China pick 117n: 5 Yuan from 1914
1.10.1914. Steam passenger train at center. Back: Post Office at center. Printer: ABNC. With various overprints. SHANGHAI. Dark brown and multicolor. Shanghai overprint in black with red signature seals. (S/M number C126-93a).
China pick 364: 10000 Customs Gold Units from 1948
1948. Blue. Portrait SYS at top center. 2 serial # varieties. Back: Bank building at left center. Printer: Chinese 5 characters. Vertical format.
Other Info
China pick 860c: 1 Fen from 1953
1953. Brown on yellow-orange underprint. Produce truck at right. Arms at center on back. Two Roman control numerals only.
China pick 877c: 1 Jiao from 1962
1962. Brown on multicolored underprint. Workers at left. Arms at right on back. Back brown on green and light orange underprint. Serial number prefix three blue Roman numerals. Without watermark.
China pick 881b: 1 Jiao from 1980
1980. Brown and dark brown on multicolored underprint. Two Taiwanese men at left. Arms at center on back. Serial number prefix letter-numeral-letter.
China pick 882a: 2 Jiao from 1980
1980. Grayish olive-green on multicolored underprint. Native Pu Yi and Korean youth at left. Arms at center on back.
China pick 883a: 5 Jiao from 1980
1980. Purple and red-violet on multicolored underprint. Miao and Zhuang children at left. Back: brown-violet on multicolored underprint; arms at center on back. Serial number prefix two letters.
China pick 884a: 1 Yuan from 1980
1980. Brown-violet on multicolored underprint. Dong and Yao youths at right. Great Wall at center on back. Arms at upper left, stylized birds in underprint at center, dot patterns for poor of sight at lower left or right on face. Engraved. Dark blue serial number. Watermark: ancient Pu (pants) coin repeated.
China pick 886a: 5 Yuan from 1980
1980. Dark brown on multicolored underprint. Old Tibetan man and young Islamic woman at right. Yangtze Gorges on back. Watermark: ancient Pu (pants) coin repeated. Arms at upper left, stylized birds in underprint at center, dot patterns for poor of sight at lower left or right on face.
China pick 916: 20 Yuan from 2022
Beijing 2022 commemorative banknote. Vertical format: Chinese arms at top left, pair of skaters at top center. Beijing 2022 near top left, with olympic rings below. Snowy mountains and snowflakes in design at bottom, including the transparency. The back of the banknote features one of the olympic buildings at center.
China pick 917: 20 Yuan from 2022
Beijing 2022 commemorative banknote. Vertical format: Chinese arms at top left, skier at center. Beijing 2022 near top right, with olympic rings below. Snowy mountains and snowflakes in design at bottom, including the transparency. The back of the banknote features the olympic long jump facility at center, the Great Wall of China at bottom.
China pick FX1a: 10 Fen from 1979
1979. Brown on multicolored underprint. Waterfalls at center. Watermark: one large star and four small stars.
China pick FX2a: 50 Fen from 1979
1979. Purple on multicolored underprint. Temple of Heaven at left center. Watermark: star and torch.