Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland pick 65a: 1 Pound from 1980
ND (1980). Black on light green and lilac underprint. Mercury at left, woman with harp at right. Airplane, bank building, and boat on back. With the word Sterling after Pound. Watermark: bank name repeated.
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Northern Ireland pick 212r: 10 Pounds from 2013
25.1.2013. Bank title changed from Northern Bank to Danske Bank. Other minor changes. As a replacement banknote with serial number prefix YY.
Collectors Comment: John Boyd Dunlop è stato un inventore e chirurgo britannico, fondatore della omonima società produttrice degli pneumatici Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Company.
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Northern Ireland pick 215: 20 Pounds from 2019
6th July 2019. Blue. Printer: (T)DLR (without imprint).
Collectors Comment: Henry Ferguson, nonostante sia il quarto di 11 figli di contadini di origini scozzesi, il 31 dicembre 1909, all’etá di 25 anni, divenne il primo irlandese a costruire e pilotare un aereo. Quest’uomo che veniva soprannominato il meccanico matto ha iniziato riparando biciclette insieme al fratello, inventò anche una moto, una macchina da corsa, la prima monoposto di Formula Uno a quattro ruote motrici e nel 1928 contribuì alle famose gare dell’Ulster Tourist Trophy. Ferguson fondó la propria attività nel 1911 e durante la prima guerra mondiale iniziò a vendere trattori ai contadini irlandesi abituati agli aratri trainati da cavalli, con il concetto rivoluzionario che trattore e aratro dovevano essere progettati come un’unica unità, Ferguson iniziò a registrare i propri brevetti.
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Northern Ireland pick 343a: 5 Pounds from 2018
12 April 2018. Blue and dark blue on blue underprint. Vertical format banknote on front and back. Flowers at top center on front. Back : boat navigating between some small islands near top of banknote, small girl running on a beach near bottom, others and a dog in the background.
Northern Ireland pick 344a: 10 Pounds from 2018
12 April 2018. Brown and violet on multicolored underprint. Flowers at top center on front. Two horses pulling manual plow on back.
Northern Ireland pick 345a: 20 Pounds from 2019
22 February 2019. Purple and violet on multicolored underprint. Flowers at top center on front. Two musicians and audience on back.
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Northern Ireland pick 346a: 50 Pounds from 2021
1 March 2021. Brown and maroon on multicolored underprint. Flowers and butterfly at bottom of vertical format. Back: female scientist at bottom left, another person in mid-background, and two engineers in the background at right.