Chad pick 2a: 500 Francs from 1974
ND (1974). Brown and red on multicolored underprint. Woman at left. Flamingos, crowned cranes, adbim's stork at center and at right. Mask at left, students and chemical testing at center, statue at right on back. Signature titles LE DIRECTEUR GENERAL and UN CENSEUR. Watermark: antelope in half profile.
Collectors Comment: ND (1974). Il Chad è uno Stato dell'Africa centrale che confina a nord con la Libia, a est con il Sudan, a sudovest col Camerun e la Nigeria, a ovest col Niger e a sud con la Repubblica Centrafricana. Ha una superficie di 1 284 000 km². Il Ciad ottenne l'indipendenza l'11 agosto 1960 con il leader del PPT, François Tombalbaye, di etnia Sara, in qualità di primo presidente. Il 20 settembre dello stesso anno entrò a far parte dell'ONU.
Chad pick 3a: 1000 Francs from 1974
ND (1974). Blue and brown on multicolored underprint. Woman at right. Mask at left, trains, planes, and bridge at center, statue at right on back. Signature titles LE DIRECTEUR GENERAL and UN CENSEUR. Watermark: antelope in half profile.
Collectors Comment: ND (1977)
Chad pick 5b: 5000 Francs from 1978
ND (1978). Brown on multicolored underprint. Woman at left. Mask at left, industrial collage at center, statue at right on back.
Collectors Comment: Emissione 1978
Chad pick 6a: 500 Francs from 1980
1.6.1980; 1.6.1984. Red and brown on multicolored underprint. Woman weaving basket at right. Mask at left, students and chemical testing at center, statue at right on back.
Collectors Comment: Emissione 01/06/1984
Other Info
Chad pick 7a: 1000 Francs from 1980
1.6.1980; 1.6.1984. Blue and dull purple on multicolored underprint. Water buffalo at right. Mask at left, trains, planes, and bridge at center, statue at right on back.
Collectors Comment: Emissione 01/06/1980
Chad pick 8: 5000 Francs from 1980
1.1.1980. Brown and multicolored. Girl at lower left, village scene at center. Back with carving, airplane, train, tractor, and man smoking a pipe.
Collectors Comment: Emissione: 01.01.1980
Chad pick 9b: 500 Francs from 1987
1.1.1987. Brown on multicolored underprint. Carved statue and jug at center. Man carving mask at left center on back. Watermark: carving.
Other Info
Chad pick 11: 5000 Francs from 1984
ND (1984-1991). Brown on multicolored underprint. Mask at left, woman with bundle of fronds at right. Plowing and mine or conveyor on back.
Collectors Comment: ND (1984-91)
Chad pick 12a: 10000 Francs from 1984
ND (1984-1991). Black, brown, and dark green on multicolored undeprint. Stylized antelope heads at left, woman at right and as watermark. Loading fruit onto truck at left on back.
Collectors Comment: Emissione 1991/1993