Rwanda pick 6e: 20 Francs from 1976
1.1.1976. Brown on multicolor underprint. Flag of Rwanda at left. Various date and signature title varieties. Back: Four young boys at left center with pipeline in background at center. Signature titles: ADMINISTRATEUR and GOUVERNEUR, without security thread. Replacement notes: Serial number prefix ZZ.
Collectors Comment: Il Ruanda, ufficialmente Repubblica del Ruanda, è uno Stato dell'Africa orientale. Confina a ovest con la Repubblica Democratica del Congo, a nord con l'Uganda, a est con la Tanzania e a sud con il Burundi. Il Ruanda non ha sbocchi sul mare. Dal 1884 al 1919 fece parte della Deutsch-Ostafrika, colonia dell'Impero tedesco, per poi passare, al termine della prima guerra mondiale, al Belgio, da cui ottenne l'indipendenza nel 1962.
Rwanda pick 7c: 50 Francs from 1976
1.1.1976. Blue on green underprint. Map of Rwanda at left center. Various date and signature title varieties. Back: Miner at left with miners digging at center. Signature titles: ADMINISTRATEUR and GOUVERNEUR, without security thread. Replacement notes: Serial number prefix ZZ.
Other Info
Rwanda pick 11a: 500 Francs from 1974
19.4.1974. Green and multicolor. General Habyarimana at left. Back: Man with basket on head at left, rows of plants in background.
Collectors Comment: Juvénal Habyarimana (Gisenyi, 8 marzo 1937 – Kigali, 6 aprile 1994) è stato un politico e militare ruandese, dittatore del Ruanda dal 1973 al 1994. È stato il Presidente del Ruanda dal 1973 fino al 1994 quando l'aereo su cui viaggiava fu abbattuto da un missile terra-aria di origine ignota. Il suo assassinio diede inizio a indicibili violenze nel Paese, che da aprile a luglio 1994 fu sconvolto da un genocidio che vide protagoniste le due principali etnie, gli Hutu e i Tutsi.
Rwanda pick 12a: 100 Francs from 1978
1.1.1978. Gray on light blue and multicolor underprint. Zebras. Back: Woman carrying child at left, mountains in background at center right.
Rwanda pick 13a: 500 Francs from 1978
1.1.1978. Brown, orange and multicolor. Impalas. Back: Eight drummers at left, strip mining at right. Watermark: Impala\'s head.
Rwanda pick 14a: 1000 Francs from 1978
1.1.1978. Green and multicolor. Boys picking tea leaves at left. Back: Tribal dancer at right. Watermark: Impala\'s head.
Rwanda pick 19a: 100 Francs from 1989
24.4.1989. Black on lilac and multicolor underprint. Zebras at center and right. Signature titles: 2E VICE-GOUVERNEUR and GOUVERNEUR. Back: Woman carrying baby at left, view of mountains at center. New spelling AMAFARANGA.
Rwanda pick 21a: 1000 Francs from 1988
1.1.1988; 24.4.1989. Green, brown and multicolor. Two Watusi warriors at right. Signature titles: 2E VICE-GOUVERNEUR and GOUVERNEUR. Back: Two Eastern Gorillas at left, canoe in lake at right. New spelling AMAFARANGA.
Rwanda pick 22a: 5000 Francs from 1988
1.1.1988; 24.4.1989. Green, blue and multicolor. Female with basket on her head at left, field workers at center. Signature titles:2E VICE-GOUVERNEUR and GOUVERNEUR. Back: Lake and mountains. New spelling AMAFARANGA.
Rwanda pick 23a: 500 Francs from 1994
1.12.1994. Blue-black, black and dark blue-green on multicolor underprint. Mountainous landscape at center right. Back: Female Waterbuck at left center. Watermark: Impala's head. Printer: G&D (without imprint).
Rwanda pick 24a: 1000 Francs from 1994
1.12.1994. Purple, red-brown and dark brown on multicolor underprint. Mountainous landscape at center right. Back: Vegetation at left, African Buffalo at center. Watermark: Impala's head. Printer: G&D (without imprint).
Rwanda pick 26b: 500 Francs from 1998
1.12.1998. Blue and green on multicolor underprint. Mountain gorillas at right. Back: National Museum of Butare and school children. Narrow typeface serial number.
Rwanda pick 29b: 100 Francs from 2003
1.9.2003. Green, brown and blue on yellow underprint. Oxen and farmer plowing at center. Back: Mountain and lake.
Rwanda pick 30: 500 Francs from 2004
1.7.2004. Green on tan and blue underprint.
Rwanda pick 31: 1000 Francs from 2004
1.7.2004. Blue on tan underprint. Doggett's Guenon.
Rwanda pick 33a: 5000 Francs from 2004
1.4.2004. Purple on tan and multicolored underprint. Baskets. Back: gorilla.
Other Info
Rwanda pick 36: 2000 Francs from 2007
31.10.2007. Violet on multicolored underprint. Communications satellite. Back: beans.