Mauritania pick 1s: 100 Ouguiya from 1973
20.6.1973. Blue on multicolored underprint. Mauritiana girl at center. Back: men loading a boat. As a specimen.
Collectors Comment: La Mauritania, ufficialmente Repubblica Islamica della Mauritania, è uno Stato dell'Africa occidentale, confinante con il Sahara Occidentale a nord, l'Oceano Atlantico ad ovest, il Senegal a sud-ovest, il Mali a sud e ad est, e l'Algeria a nord-est. Da non confondersi con l'antica regione della Mauretania, è attraversata al proprio interno dal confine tra mondo arabo e Africa nera e la capitale, e città più grande, è Nouakchott, posta sulla costa atlantica. La situazione economico-sociale è abbastanza critica dal momento che circa il 45% della popolazione vive con meno di 2 dollari statunitensi al giorno. Nel 1960 il paese divenne indipendente. L'odierna capitale Nouakchott fu fondata dove sorgeva un piccolo villaggio coloniale, Ksar. In quell'anno il 90% della popolazione era ancora nomade. Con l'indipendenza, un gran numero di popoli indigeni arrivarono in Mauritania, attraversando il fiume Senegal. Istruiti in francese molti di loro divennero funzionari, soldati e amministratori del nuovo Stato.
Mauritania pick 2s: 200 Ouguiya from 1973
20.6.1973. Brown on multicolored underprint. Bedouin woman at left, tents in background. Back: camels and huts. As a specimen.
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Mauritania pick 3Aa: 100 Ouguiya from 1975
28.11.1975. Unissued banknote.
Collectors Comment: Serie 100 - 200 - 1000 con numeri corrispondenti.
Mauritania pick 3Ba: 200 Ouguiya from 1977
6.29.1977. Violet on multicolored underprint. Man with goatee, camel, woman. Printer: TDLR. Unissued note.
Collectors Comment: Serie 100 - 200 - 1000 con numeri corrispondenti.
Mauritania pick 3Ca: 1000 Ouguiya from 1977
26.6.1977. Female at left. Back: mine shaft. Printer: TDLR. Unissued note.
Collectors Comment: Serie 100 - 200 - 1000 con numeri corrispondenti.
Mauritania pick 3D: 1000 Ouguiya from 1981
28.11.1981. Red and orange on multicolored underprint. Bearded man at left. Back: camel and palm tree at right center, mine at center, men working field at right center. Printer: G&D.
Mauritania pick 3s: 1000 Ouguiya from 1973
20.6.1973. Green and multicolored. Woman weaving on a loom at left, metal worker at right center. Back: local musicians and scenes. As a specimen.
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Mauritania pick 4d: 100 Ouguiya from 1989
28.11.1989. Purple, violet, and brown on multicolored underprint. Signature variations. Back: musical instruments at left, cow and tower at right. Watermark: old man with beard. Printer: G&D (without imprint). Wide green security thread.
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Mauritania pick 5e: 200 Ouguiya from 1993
28.11.1993. Brown, dark olive-green and brown-orange on multicolored underprint. Signature varieties. Back: bowl and rod at left, dugout canoe and palm tree at right. Watermark: old man with beard. Printer: G&D (without imprint).
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Mauritania pick 6h: 500 Ouguiya from 1995
28.11.1995. Green, brown, and dark green on multicolored underprint. Signature varieties. Back: brown, green, and black. Field workers at left, mine entrance complex at right. Watermark: old man with beard. Printer: G&D (without imprint).
Mauritania pick 7A: 1000 Ouguiya from 1989
28.11.1989. Blue, green, and blue-black on multicolored underprint. Back: camel at left, ship, oil rigs and harbor facitily at right. Watermark: old man with beard. Printer: G&D (without imprint).
Mauritania pick 7f: 1000 Ouguiya from 1993
28.11.1993. Blue, violet, and blue-black on multicolored underprint. Back: bowl of fish at left, camel, hut, and tower at right. Watermark: old man with beard. Printer: G&D (without imprint). Thick security thread.
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Mauritania pick 10a: 100 Ouguiya from 2004
28.11.2004. Green and purple on multicolored underprint. Geometric design at right. Back: musical instruments at left, cow feeding before tower at center. Printer: G&D (without imprint).
Mauritania pick 11a: 200 Ouguiya from 2004
28.11.2004. Brown and blue on multicolored underprint. Geometric pattern at right. Back: bowl at left, canoe at center. Printer: G&D (without imprint).
Mauritania pick 12a: 500 Ouguiya from 2004
28.11.2004. Green and brown on multicolored underprint. Geometric pattern at right. Back: men harvesting at left, factory at center. Printer: G&D (without imprint).
Mauritania pick 13a: 1000 Ouguiya from 2004
28.11.2004. Multicolored. Printer: G&D (without imprint).
Mauritania pick 14a: 2000 Ouguiya from 2004
28.11.2004. Multicolored. Printer: G&D (without imprint).
Mauritania pick 16b: 100 Ouguiya from 2015
11.28.2015. Green and purple on multicolored underprint.
Mauritania pick 17: 200 Ouguiya from 2013
Mauritania pick 18: 500 Ouguiya from 2013
11.28.2013. Expected new issue.
Mauritania pick 19: 1000 Ouguiya from 2014
28.11.2014. Polymer plastic.
Mauritania pick 20: 2000 Ouguiya from 2011
11.28.2011. Blue on multicolored underprint.
Mauritania pick 21: 5000 Ouguiya from 2011
28.11.2011. Olive and multicolored. Mosque. Back: airport tower at left, diesel locomotive at left center.
Mauritania pick 22a: 50 Ouguiya from 2017
28.11.2017. Purple.
Mauritania pick 23: 100 Ouguiya from 2017
28.11.2017. Green.
Mauritania pick 24: 200 Ouguiya from 2017
28.11.2017. Brown.
Mauritania pick 25: 500 Ouguiya from 2017
28.11.2017. Blue.
Mauritania pick 26: 1000 Ouguiya from 2017
28.11.2017. Brown.
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Mauritania pick 27: 20 Ouguiya from 2020
28.11.2020 (2021). Reddish brown; polymer banknote. The banknote illustrates two elements emblematic of Mauritania. On the front of the note is the Great Mosque of Gataga located in Kaédi, in the south of the country and considered one of the oldest mosques in Mauritania. Built around 1366 AH, its architecture is designed on the Sudano-Sahelian model found in most of the old ones Islamic cities of sub-Saharan Africa. The back of the banknote features the geological wonder of Guelb Er- richat. Located in the north of the Mauritania, this unique structure, visible from space, is known world wide as the eye of Africa.
Mauritania pick 28: 50 Ouguiya from 2023
18.06.2023. Commemorative banknote: "50th Anniversary of the Ouguiya." Grey on grey and blue underprint. Central bank of Mauritania at center left, tower at center right. Back: water vessel and instruments at left, solar panels and wind turbines in the background at center.