
Israel pick 26a: 5 Lirot from 1955
1955/5715. Brown on light blue underprint. Negev landscape across center, flowers at upper right. Back: Geometric designs. Watermark: Menorah. Printer: TDLR (without imprint).

Israel pick 27a: 10 Lirot from 1955
1955/5715. Dark green on multicolor underprint. Landscape in the Plain of Jezreel across center, flowers at upper right. Back: Geometric designs. Watermark: Menorah. Printer: TDLR (without imprint). Red serial number.

Israel pick 37c: 100 Lirot from 1968
1968/5728. Blue and light green on multicolored underprint. Dr. Theodor Herzl at right and as watermark. Menorah and symbols of the 12 tribes of Israel at left center on back. Watermark: profile. Black serial number 2.8mm tall. Without a serial letter

Israel pick 47a: 100 Sheqalim from 1979
1979/5739. Red-brown on light tan underprint. Ze\'ev Jabotinsky at right and as watermark. Herod\'s Gate on back. Without bars below serial number on back.

Israel pick 49a: 1000 Sheqalim from 1983
1983/5743. Green on multicolored underprint. rabbi Moses Maimonides at right and as watermark. View of Tiberias at left on back. Error in the first letter he of second word at right in vertical text (right to left), partially completed letter resembling 7.
Other Info

Israel pick 50a: 5000 Sheqalim from 1984
1984/5744. Blue on multicolored underprint. City view at center, Levi Eshkol at right and as watermark. Water pipe and modern design on back.