
Estonia pick 45a: 5 Mark from 1919
1919. Blue and light brown. Farmer plowing at center. Back: Field scene.Thin or thick paper.

Estonia pick 73a: 25 Krooni from 1991
1991 (1992). Deep olive-green on multicolored underprint. A. Hansen-Tammsaare at left center, wilderness in background at right. Early rural log construction farm; view of Vargamae on back. Watermark: arms (3 lions).
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Estonia pick 74a: 100 Krooni from 1991
1991 (1992). Black and deep blue on light blue and multicolored underprint. L. Koidula at left center, cuckoo bird at lower right. Waves breaking against rocky cliffs of north coast at center to right on back. Watermark: arms (3 lions).
Other Info

Estonia pick 78a: 50 Krooni from 1994
1994. Green and black on multicolored underprint. R. Tobias at left center, gates at lower center right. Opera house in Tallinn at center right on back. Watermark: arms (3 lions). Ascending size serial number at right. Serial number prefix A.