
Italy pick 74a: 50 Lire from 1944
10.12.1944. Green on pale orange underprint. Medallic head of "Italia" in oval at left. Seal: Type A. Watermark: 50.

Italy pick 91a: 50 Lire from 1951
31.12.1951. Green on yellow underprint. "Italia" at left.

Italy pick 92a: 100 Lire from 1951
31.12.1951. Deep red, violet border on yellow underprint. "Italia" at left. Back: Red on yellow underprint.

Italy pick 93a: 500 Lire from 1966
20.6.1966; 20.10.1967; 23.2.1970. Dark gray on blue and multicolored underprint. Eagle with snake at left, Arethusa at right. Three signature varieties.

Italy pick 101g: 1000 Lire from 1980
20.2.1980; 6.9.1980. Black and brown on light blue and lilac underprint. Harp at left center, G. Verdi at right. paper with security thread. Milan's La Scala opera house at left center on back. Watermark: vertical row of laureate heads. Seal of facing head of Medusa.

Italy pick M12b: 5 Lire from 1943
1943. Green and brown. Without F.

Italy pick M20b: 50 Lire from 1943
1943. A. Blue. Serial number prefix/suffix A-B.