French Indo-China
French Indo-China pick 54e: 1 Piastre from 1949
(1949). Brown, red, and multicolor. Woman at right, building at center, red denomination numeral 1. Back: Man with baskets. With Lao text. Lao text Type II (New Lao). But without dot under O in MOT on back.
French Indo-China pick 55b: 5 Piastres from 1936
(1936). Brown, orange and multicolor. Woman with helmet and lance at left, large denomination numeral 5 over wreath at upper right on white background. Back: omen with headdress at left, ancient statues at right. With Lao text. Lao text Type I.
French Indo-China pick 60: 1 Piastre from 1942
ND (1942-1945). Dark brown on purple underprint. (Color shades). Sampans at left. 7-digit serial number . Back: Figure with hands together.
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French Indo-China pick 74a: 1 Piastre from 1949
ND (1949). Green, orange and multicolor. Two farmers with ox. Back: Two women with branches.
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French Indo-China pick 76b: 1 Piastre from 1951
(1951). Brown on light green underprint. Two men with boat. Back: Brown. Angkor Wat at right. Printer: ABNC. Red letters A; C; D; E.
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French Indo-China pick 80a: 10 Piastres from 1947
ND (1947). Dark purple on multicolor underprint. Angkor Wat at left. 2 serial number varieties. Back: Red. Field worker. Printer: TDLR (without imprint).
French Indo-China pick 85c: 10 Cents from 1939
ND (1939). Red-brown. Sculptures at left, dancer at right. Back: Market scene with elephants. Le Tresorier General in 1 line at lower left.
French Indo-China pick 86c: 20 Cents from 1939
ND (1939). Red-brown and green. Women with conical hat at left. Back: Boat at center. Like p85c.
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French Indo-China pick 88a: 5 Cents from 1942
ND (1942). Green on pale blue underprint. Signatures, titles and penalty clause in black. Serial number format: 123456L.
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French Indo-China pick 89a: 10 Cents from 1942
ND (1942). Brown on tan underprint. Serial number format: LL123.456.
French Indo-China pick 91a: 50 Cents from 1942
ND (1942). Green on light green underprint. Dragons in underprint at left and right. Back: Rice underneath. Serial number format: LL123.456.
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French Indo-China pick 104: 1 Piastre from 1953
ND (1953). 1 Piastre = 1 Dong. Blue-black on green, pale yellow and multicolor underprint. Bao Dai at center. Back: Red on yellow underprint. Vietnamese title: VIÊN PHÃT-HÀNH. Watermark: Tiger head.
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French Indo-China pick 105: 1 Piastre from 1954
ND (1954). 1 Piastre = 1 Dong. Blue and green. Like p94 and p100. Back: Brown and blue. Dragon at left. Vietnamese title: VIÊN PHÃTHÀNH. Thin white or white/tan. Watermark: Tiger head.