Fiji pick 87a: 2 Dollars from 1988
ND (1988). Green on multicolored underprint. Modified portrait of Queen Elizabeth II at right center, arms at center, artifact at right, and now authority Reserve Bank of Fiji. Sugar cane harvest at center on back. Watermark: profile Fijian head. Printer: BWC.
Fiji pick 89a: 1 Dollar from 1993
ND (1993). Dark gray on multicolored underprint. Queen Elizabeth II at right center, arms at center, artifact at right. Open air Suva markets at center on back. Watermark: profile Fijian head. Printer: TDLR. Without segmented security thread.
Fiji pick 109b: 2 Dollars from 2007
ND (2007). Green on multicolored underprint. Mature bust of Queen Elizabeth II at right, arms at upper right. Novel numbering on both serial numbers. Mohar (sovereign locket) at lower left. Back: faces of diverse group of children during school games. Fiji National Stadium at left. Mount Korobas. Signature title Acting Governor.
Fiji pick 110b: 5 Dollars from 2007
ND (2007). Brown on multicolored underprint. Mature bust of Queen Elizabeth II at right, arms at upper right. Novel numbering on both serial numbers. Kato ni Masima (salt basket) at lower left. Back: crested inguana at left, Balaka palm at center, Masiratu flower at right, Mount Valili at far left. Signature title: Acting Governor.
Fiji pick 115a: 5 Dollars from 2013
ND (2013). Polymer plastic banknote. Green on multicolored underprint. Endemic Kulawai (Red throated Lorikeet) at right, arms at upper right. Clear window with images of i-Taukei at left. Kato ni Masima (salt basket) at lower left. The back of this banknote features a crested iguana at left, and a Balaka palm at center. Masiratu flower at right. Mount Valili at far left.
Fiji pick 120a: 7 Dollars from 2017
2016 (2017). Blue and green. Fiji's Olympic 'sevens' captain Osea Kolinisau at center, team coach Ben Ryan sitting lower left, Fiji arms at lower right, stylized rugby ball with watermark at upper left, large gold '7' at upper right alongside stylized gold medal. Vertical format. Novel numbering on both serial numbers. Back: Fiji's Olympic gold medal winning 'sevens' rugby team, stylized rugby ball and large gold '7' at lower right. Horizontal format. Printer: Oberthur Fiduciare.