India pick 17b: 2 Rupees from 1943
(1943). ND. Lilac and Multicolor. King George VI at right. Black serial number.
India pick 25a: 1 Rupee from 1940
1940. Blue-gray and multicolor. Dated coin depicting King George VI at right. Black serial number.
India pick 66: 1 Rupee from 1969
ND (1969-1970). Centennial - Birth of M. K. Gandhi. Violet and multicolored. Coin with Gandhi and 1869-1948 at right. Reverse of Gandhi coin on back at left.
India pick 78Aa: 1 Rupee from 1983
1983-1985. Violet and purple on brown and multicolored underprint. New coin design with Asoka column at upper right. Offshore oil drilling platform and reverse of coin with date on back. Watermark: Asoka column. With title SECRETARY ...
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India pick 95j: 10 Rupees from 2008
2008. Pale brown-violet on multicolor underprint. Mahatma Ghandi at right. Back: tiger, rhino, and elephant. Letter A in underprint.
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India pick 98w: 100 Rupees from 2010
2010. Black, purple, and dark olive-green on pale blue-green and multicolor underprint. Mahatma Ghandi at right. Back: Himalaya mountains at left center. No letter in underprint.
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India pick 103a: 20 Rupees from 2012
2012. Orange and red brown on multicolored underprint. Mahatma Gandhi at right. Back: landscape with coconut trees. No letter in underprint.