North America:
Jamaica pick 37a: 5 Shillings from 1939
2.1.1939-15.6.1950. Orange. Portrait of King George VI at left. Back: multicolored. FIVE SHILLINGS in two lines. Printer: TDLR.
Jamaica pick 37a: 5 Shillings from 1939
2.1.1939-15.6.1950. Orange. Portrait of King George VI at left. Back: multicolored. FIVE SHILLINGS in two lines. Printer: TDLR.
Jamaica pick 37b: 5 Shillings from 1953
1.3.1953-15.8.1958. Orange. Portrait of King George VI at left. Back: multicolored. FIVE SHILLINGS in two lines. Printer: TDLR.
Jamaica pick 41b: 1 Pound from 1950
15.6.1950-17.3.1960. Green. Portrait of King George VI at left. Back: multicolored. ONE POUND in two lines. Printer: TDLR.
Jamaica pick 41b: 1 Pound from 1950
15.6.1950-17.3.1960. Green. Portrait of King George VI at left. Back: multicolored. ONE POUND in two lines. Printer: TDLR.
Jamaica pick 47: 1 Pound from 1960
19.5.1960. Green. Portrait of King George VI at left. Back: ONE POUND in one line. Printer: TDLR.
Other Info
Jamaica pick 51: 1 Pound from 1961
Law of 1960 (1961). Green on multicolored underprint. Queen Elizabeth II at left. Latin motto below arms. Harvesting on back. Printer: TDLR.
Jamaica pick 71e: 10 Dollars from 1994
1.3.1994. Bluish purple on multicolored underprint. George William Gordon at left, arms in underprint at bottom center. Bauxite mining scene at center right on back. Watermark: pineapple. Printer: TDLR. 144x68mm.
Jamaica pick 85h: 500 Dollars from 2011
15.1.2011. Purple, violet, and brown on multicolored underprint. Nanny of the Maroons at left. Back: historical map of the islands above Port Royal architecture at center right. Watermark: Nanny of the Maroons and value. Printer: TDLR.
Jamaica pick 85i2: 500 Dollars from 2015
1.06.2015. Multicolored. Nanny of the Maroons at left. Back: group of youngsters. Printer: DLR.
Jamaica pick 85l: 500 Dollars from 2018
1.6.2018. Purple, violet, and brown on multicolored underprint. Nanny of the Maroons at left. Back: historical map of the islands above Port Royal architecture at center right. Watermark: Nanny of the Maroons and value. Printer: TDLR.
Jamaica pick 85l: 500 Dollars from 2018
1.6.2018. Purple, violet, and brown on multicolored underprint. Nanny of the Maroons at left. Back: historical map of the islands above Port Royal architecture at center right. Watermark: Nanny of the Maroons and value. Printer: TDLR.
Jamaica pick 85l: 500 Dollars from 2018
1.6.2018. Purple, violet, and brown on multicolored underprint. Nanny of the Maroons at left. Back: historical map of the islands above Port Royal architecture at center right. Watermark: Nanny of the Maroons and value. Printer: TDLR.
Jamaica pick 86m: 1000 Dollars from 2017
1.6.2017. Dark blue, green, and purple on multicolored underprint. Michael Manley at left. Back: Jamaica House at center right. Watermark: Michael Manley and value. Printer: TDLR.
Jamaica pick 91: 500 Dollars from 2012
6.8.2012. Multicolored. Nanny of the Maroons at left, 50th Anniversary overprint at right. Back: group of youngsters. Printer: DLR.