Canada pick 58d: 1 Dollar from 1937
2.1.1937. Black on green underprint. Portrait King George VI at center. Back: Green. Allegorical figure. Printer: CBNC. Wide (11mm) Signature panels. Prefix K/A-O/M.
Collectors Comment: Got in Country. Prefix: K/A - O/M. TBB B321c
Canada pick 75d: 1 Dollar from 1954
1954 (1973-1974). Black on green underprint. Young Queen Elizabeth II at right with modified hair style. Back green; western prairie scene. Printer: BABNC.
Collectors Comment: Got in Country. Prefix: V/F - Z/F, A/I - E/I. TBB B338d Mintage: 80,000,000
Canada pick 77b: 5 Dollars from 1954
1954 (1961-1972). Black on blue underprint. Young Queen Elizabeth II at right with modified hair style. Back blue; river in the north country. Printer: CBNC.
Collectors Comment: Got in Country. Prefix: Y/C - Z/C, A/S - Z/S, A/X-P - P/X, R/X. Mintage: 410,000,000. TBB B340b
Canada pick 85c: 1 Dollar from 1973
1973. Black on light green and multicolored underprint. Queen Elizabeth II at right. Parliament Building as seen from across the Ottawa River on back.
Collectors Comment: Got in Country. Prefix: ALM to EXA. Mintage: 1,150,000,000. TBB B348c
Canada pick 93c: 20 Dollars from 1979
1979. Deep olive-green on multicolored underprint. Arms at left, Queen Elizabeth II at right. W shaped design at top center on face. Alberta\'s Lake Moraine and Rocky Mountains on back.
Collectors Comment: Got in Country. Mintage: 1,067,799,998. TBB B356d
Canada pick 94a: 2 Dollars from 1986
1986. Brown on multicolored underprint. Arms at upper left center, Queen Elizabeth II, Parliament building at right. Pair of robins on the back.
Collectors Comment: Got in Country. Prefix: ARF-Z (w/o I, O, Q, X), AUA-N (w/o I). Mintage: 230,000,000. TBB B357b
Canada pick 95e: 5 Dollars from 1986
1986. Blue gray on multicolored underprint. Arms at upper left center, Sir Wilfred Laurier and Pariliament Buildings at right. Kingfisher on back.
Collectors Comment: Got in Country. Prefix: ANP-U (w/o Q), GPW-Z (w/o X), HNA-B. Prefix: ANP-U (w/o Q), GPW-Z (w/o X), HNA-B
Canada pick 106b: 5 Dollars from 2013
2013. Polymer plastic. Light and dark blue on multicolored underprint. Sir Wilfred Laurier and west block of Parliament Building on face. Back: Canadarm2 at right center.
Collectors Comment: Got in Country. Prefix: HBG-Z (w/o I, O, Q, X), HCA-M (w/o E, F, I, K). Mintage: 231,123,000. TBB B371b
Canada pick 107b: 10 Dollars from 2013
2013. Polymer plastic. Light and dark purple on multicolored underprint. Sir John A. MacDonald and Parliament Library on face. Back: VIA rail train in Rocky Mountains at right center.
Collectors Comment: Got in Country. Prefix: FTH-FTN (w/o I). Mintage: 40,000,000. TBB B372b
Canada pick 108a: 20 Dollars from 2012
2012. Polymer plastic. Light and dark green on multicolored underprint. Queen Elizabeth II on face. Back: Canada WWI VIMY memorial.
Collectors Comment: Got in Country. Prefix: BI(E-Z), BS(A-W), FI(L-Z), FS(A-Z), FV(A-P) (w/o I, O, Q, X). Mintage: 840,000,000. TBB B373a
Canada pick 109a: 50 Dollars from 2012
2012. Polymer plastic. Light and dark red on multicolored underprint. W. L. Mackenzie at left center on face. Back: CCGS Amusden, research icebreaker.
Collectors Comment: Got in Country. Serial # prefixes: AHS-Z (w/o X), AMA-K (w/o H, I, J), FMS-Z (w/o X), GHA-D. Mintage: 240,000,000. TBB B374a