Iraq pick 33: 0.5 Dinar from 1947
L.1947. Brown on multicolor underprint. Portrait young King Faisal II at right. Back: Ruins of the mosque and spiral minaret at Samarra. Watermark: King\'s head as a child. Printer: BWC.
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Iraq pick 34: 1 Dinar from 1947
L.1947. Blue on multicolor underprint. Portrait young King Faisal II at right. Back: Equestrian statue of King Faisal I.Watermark: King\'s head as a child. Printer: BWC.
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Iraq pick 51b: 0.25 Dinar from 1959
ND (1959). Green on multicolored underprint. New Republic arms with 1958 at right and as watermark. Palm trees at center on back. With a security thread. Two signature varieties.
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Iraq pick 52a: 0.5 Dinar from 1959
ND (1959). Brown on multicolored underprint. New Republic arms with 1958 at right and as watermark. Ruins of the mosque and spiral minaret at Samarra on back. Without a security thread. One signature variety.
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Iraq pick 53b: 1 Dinar from 1959
ND (1959). Blue on multicolored underprint. New Republic arms with 1958 at right and as watermark. The Harp of Ur at center on back. With a security thread. Two signature varieties.
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Iraq pick 54a: 5 Dinars from 1959
ND (1959). Light purple on multicolored underprint. New Republic arms with 1958 at right and as watermark. Ancient carving of Hammurabi receiving the laws on back. Without a security thread. One signature variety.
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Iraq pick 54b: 5 Dinars from 1959
ND (1959). Light purple on multicolored underprint. New Republic arms with 1958 at right and as watermark. Ancient carving of Hammurabi receiving the laws on back. With a security thread.
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![Gallery image for Iraq p55b: 10 Dinars from 1959](/upload/127/Iraq_p55b_10_Dinars_t.jpg)
Iraq pick 55b: 10 Dinars from 1959
ND (1959). Purple on multicolored underprint. New Republic arms with 1958 at right and as watermark. Carvings of a winged Assyrian ox and an Assyrian priest on back. With a security thread. Two signature varieties.
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Iraq pick 56a: 0.25 Dinar from 1971
ND (1971). Green and brown on multicolored underprint. 1/4 Dinar at left, palm trees at center on back. Watermark: Falcon's head.
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Iraq pick 57a: 0.5 Dinar from 1971
ND (1971). Brown and blue on multicolored underprint. Cement factory at center. 1/2 Dinar at left, spiral minaret and ruins of mosque at Samarra at center on back. Watermark: Falcon's head.