Cambodia pick 13b: 100 Riels from 1956
ND (1956-1972). Blue on light blue underprint. Two oxen at right, ceremonial women on back. Without imprint ABNC.
Cambodia pick 26a: 0.2 Riel from 1979
1979. (2 Kak). Grayish green on tan underprint. Arms at center. Rice workers on back. Issued 20.3.1980 by the Vietnamese-backed regime of Heng Samrin which overthrew Pol Pot in 1979.
Cambodia pick 28a: 1 Riel from 1979
1979. Brown on yellow and multicolored underprint. Arms at center. Women harvesting rice on back. Issued 20.3.1980 by the Vietnamese-backed regime of Heng Samrin which overthrew Pol Pot in 1979.
Cambodia pick 31a: 20 Riels from 1979
1979. Purple on pink and multicolored underprint. Arms at left. Water buffalos hauling logs on back. Watermark: arms. Issued 20.3.1980 by the Vietnamese-backed regime of Heng Samrin which overthrew Pol Pot in 1979.
Cambodia pick 53a: 100 Riels from 2002
2001. Purple, brown, and green. Independence Monument at right center. Students and school on back. Naga heads sculpture at lower left center. Watermark: multiple lines of text.
Cambodia pick 61a: 50000 Riels from 2013
2013. Brown and tan on multicolored underprint. Norodom Sihanouk at right.
Cambodia pick 68a: 5000 Riels from 2015
2015 (issued 25th of October, 2017). King Norodom Sihanouk wearing a hat at right center. Back: Kompong Kdei Bridge in Siem Reap Province.