A & K:
Argentina pick 264a: 5 Pesos from 1951
ND (1951-1959). Blue. Liberty (Progreso) with torch at left. 6 signature varieties. Serie G-H. Back: Light red. Printer: CMN. Watermark: A, red serial number.
Collectors Comment: Red serial #. 1952 G: 19.872.001 - 24.192.000. P-264a.2 TBB B315b
Argentina pick 287a: 1 Peso from 1970
Orange on multicolored underprint. Scene of Bariloche-Llao-Llao at center on back. SERIE A-E.
Ley 18.188. General Manuel Belgrano at right. Printer: CMN. Many signature varieties. Without colored threads in white or grayish tint paper. Watermark varieties.
Collectors Comment: Series: A 00.000.001 - 100.000.000 (1970). P-287a.1 TBB B340a
Argentina pick 289: 10 Pesos from 1970
Purple on multicolored underprint. Waterfalls at Iguazu at center on back. SERIE A, B.
Ley 18.188. General Manuel Belgrano at right. Printer: CMN. Many signature varieties. Without colored threads in white or grayish tint paper. Watermark varieties.
Collectors Comment: Series: B 00.000.001 - 33.054.000 (1972). P-289a.4 TBB B342d
Argentina pick 294: 5 Pesos from 1974
Blue on multicolored underprint. Monument to the Flag at Rosario at center on back. SERIE A, B.
Decreto-Ley 18.188/69. General Manuel Belgrano at right. Without colored threads in paper.
Collectors Comment: 1975 B: 12.632.001 - 73.428.000. P-294a.2 TBB B347b
Argentina pick 297: 100 Pesos from 1973
Red on multicolored underprint. Usukaja Harbor scene at center on back. SERIE B, C.
Decreto-Ley 18.188/69. General Jose de San Martin at right. Colored threads in paper. Watermark: arms.
Collectors Comment: Series: C 00.000.001 - 10.500.000 (1975). P- 297a.2 TBB B350b
Argentina pick 300: 10 Pesos from 1976
Purple on multicolored underprint. General M.Belgrano at right. Waterfalls at Iguazu at center on back. SERIE D, E.
Without Decreto de Ley. Watermark: arms.
Collectors Comment: 1976 D: 94.440.001 - 100.000.000 1976 E: 00.000.001 - 01.218.000. Withdrawn: 4/1/1981 TBB B353a
Argentina pick 301b: 50 Pesos from 1976
Black on multicolored underprint. Hot springs at Jujuy at center on back. SERIE B,C. Engraved or lithographed back. Colored threads in paper.
General Jose de San Martin at right. Signature and watermark varieties. Without Decreto de Ley.
Collectors Comment: 1978 B: 86.180.001 - 100.000.000 1978 C: 00.000.001 - 00.100.000. Withdrawn: 4/1/1981 P-301b.2 TBB B354d
Argentina pick 302b: 100 Pesos from 1976
Red on multicolored underprint. Coastline at Ushuala at center on back. SERIE C,D,E. With colored threads in paper.
General Jose de San Martin at right. Signature and watermark varieties. Without Decreto de Ley.
Collectors Comment: 1978 D: 80.185.001 - 100.000.000. Withdrawn: 4/1/1981. P-302b.2 TBB B355c
Argentina pick 303c: 500 Pesos from 1977
Green on multicolored underprint. Army monument at Mendoza at center on back. SERIE A-D. Watermark: multiple sunbursts. Colored threads in paper. Back lithographed. SERIE C,D.
General Jose de San Martin at right. Signature and watermark varieties. Without Decreto de Ley.
Collectors Comment: Series: C 82.780.001 - 100.000.000 (1982) Withdrawn: 4/2/1984. TBB B356f
Argentina pick 304d: 1000 Pesos from 1976
Brown on multicolored underprint. Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires at center on back. Watermark: multiple sunbursts. Back lithographed. SERIE I.
Color varieties in underprint: yellow or green, maroon or ochre. General Jose de San Martin at right. Signature and watermark varieties. Without Decreto de Ley.
Collectors Comment: 1982 I: 57.330.001 - 79.524.000. Withdrawn: 4/2/1984. P-304d.2 TBB B357i
Argentina pick 306b: 10000 Pesos from 1976
Orange and red on multicolored underprint. National park on back. Watermark: multiple sunbursts. 3 Signature varieties. SERIE G.
Color varieties in underprint: yellow or green, maroon or ochre. General Jose de San Martin at right. Signature and watermark varieties. Without Decreto de Ley.
Collectors Comment: 1982 G: 16.880.001 - 63.190.000. Withdrawn: 7/19/1985. TBB B359b
Argentina pick 307: 50000 Pesos from 1979
Brown on multicolored underprint. Banco Central building at left center on back. Watermark: arms. 2 Signature varieties.
Color varieties in underprint: yellow or green, maroon or ochre. General Jose de San Martin at right. Signature and watermark varieties. Without Decreto de Ley.
Collectors Comment: Series: A 38.880.001 - 78.707.000 (1980). Withdrawn: 7/19/1985. P-307a.1. TBB B360a
Argentina pick 308a: 100000 Pesos from 1979
Gray and red on multicolored underprint. Mint building at left center on back. Watermark: arms. SERIE A, B.
Color varieties in underprint: yellow or green, maroon or ochre. General Jose de San Martin at right. Signature and watermark varieties. Without Decreto de Ley.
Collectors Comment: 1980 A: 45.120.001 - 100.000.000. TBB B361a
Other Info
Argentina pick 309a: 500000 Pesos from 1980
Green, brown, and blue on multicolored underprint. Founding of Buenos Aires at left center on back. Watermark: multiple sunbursts. 2 Signature varieties.
Color varieties in underprint: yellow or green, maroon or ochre. General Jose de San Martin at right. Signature and watermark varieties. Without Decreto de Ley.
Collectors Comment: 1981 A: 46.373.001 - 74.595.000. P-309a.2 TBB B362b
Other Info
Argentina pick 310a: 1000000 Pesos from 1981
Blue and pink on multicolored underprint. Independence Declaration with 25 de Mayo at left center on back. Watermark: multiple sunbursts. SERIE A, B. 3 Signature varieties.
Color varieties in underprint: yellow or green, maroon or ochre. General Jose de San Martin at right. Signature and watermark varieties. Without Decreto de Ley.
Collectors Comment: Series: A 89.966.001 - 100.000.000 (1982), Series: B 00.000.001 - 02.400.000 (1982) Series: B 02.400.001 - 31.901.000 (1983). P-310a.3 TBB B363c
Argentina pick 311a: 1 Peso Argentino from 1983
Red-orange and purple on blue and multicolored underprint. Scene of Bariloche-Llao-Llao at center on back. SERIE A, B. 2 Signature varieties.
With colored threads. Watermark varieties. Face design with San Martin at right. Watermark: multiple sunbursts. Printer CdM.
Collectors Comment: 1984 A: 65.050.001 - 100.000.000 1984 B: 00.000.001 - 14.422.000. Withdrawn: 7/19/1985. P-311a.2 TBB B364b
Argentina pick 312a: 5 Peso Argentino from 1983
1983-1984. Brown-violet and black on multicolored underprint. Monument to the Flag at Rosario at center on back. 2 Signature varieties. White or grayish tint paper.
With colored threads. Watermark varieties. Face design with San Martin at right. Watermark: multiple sunbursts. Printer CdM.
Collectors Comment: 1984 A: 39.432.001 - 55.934.000. Withdrawn: 5/31/1987. P-312a.2 TBB B365a
Argentina pick 313a: 10 Peso Argentino from 1983
1983-1984. Black and red on green and multicolored underprint. Waterfalls at Iguazu at center on back. SERIE A, B. 2 Signature varieties. White or grayish tint paper.
With colored threads. Watermark varieties. Face design with San Martin at right. Watermark: multiple sunbursts. Printer CdM.
Collectors Comment: 1984 A: 48.040.001 - 100.000.000 1984 B: 00.000.001 - 15.370.000. Withdrawn: 5/31/1987. P-313a.2 TBB B366b
Argentina pick 314a: 50 Peso Argentino from 1983
1983-1985. Brown on green and multicolored underprint. Hot springs at Jujuy at center on back. 2 Signature varieties.
With colored threads. Watermark varieties. Face design with San Martin at right. Watermark: multiple sunbursts. Printer CdM.
Collectors Comment: 1985 A: 19.755.001 - 39.274.000. Withdrawn: 5/31/1987. P-314a.2 TBB B367b
Argentina pick 315a: 100 Peso Argentino from 1983
1983-1985. Blue on multicolored underprint. Coastline at Ushuala at center on back. SERIE A, B. 2 Signature varieties.
With colored threads. Watermark varieties. Face design with San Martin at right. Watermark: multiple sunbursts. Printer CdM.
Collectors Comment: 1983 A: 00.000.001 - 100.000.000 1983 B: 00.000.001 - 89.652.000. Withdrawn: 5/31/1987. P-315a.1 TBB B368a
Argentina pick 316a: 500 Peso Argentino from 1984
1984. Purple on multicolored underprint. Town meeting of May 22, 1810 on back. White or grayish tint paper.
With colored threads. Watermark varieties. Face design with San Martin at right. Watermark: multiple sunbursts. Printer CdM.
Collectors Comment: 1984 A: 00.000.001 - 49.440.000. Withdrawn: 5/31/1987. TBB B369a
Other Info
Argentina pick 317b: 1000 Peso Argentino from 1983
1983-1985. Blue-green and brown on multicolored underprint. El Paso de los Andes battle scene on back. Watermark: Multiple sunbursts (1984). SERIE C, D. 2 Signature varieties.
With colored threads. Watermark varieties. Face design with San Martin at right. Printer CdM.
Collectors Comment: 1984 C: 69.279.067 - 100.000.000 1984 D: 00.000.001 - 53.000.000 1985 D: 53.000.001 - 55.300.000. Withdrawn: 11/30/1987. TBB B370b
Argentina pick 318a: 5000 Peso Argentino from 1984
1984-1985. Red-brown on multicolored underprint. J.B.Alberdi at right. Constitutional meeting of 1853 on back. Watermark: young San Martin. SERIE A, B.
With colored threads. Watermark varieties. Printer CdM.
Collectors Comment: Purchased from Yuri111. Series: A, B 1984 A: 00.000.001 - 46.320.000. Withdrawn: 11/30/1987. TBB B371a
Other Info
Argentina pick 320: 1 Austral from 1985
New denomination overprint in numeral and wording in box, green on face and blue on back. Series D. Watermark: sunbursts.
Overprint on Peso Argentino notes. Rectangle on watermark area on face.
Collectors Comment: Purchased from BanknoteWorld.com. 1985 D: 55.300.001 - 57.868.000. Withdrawn: 11/30/1987. TBB B373a
Other Info
Argentina pick 321: 5 Austral from 1985
New denomination overprint in numeral and wording in box, purple on face and brown on back. Series B. Watermark: San Martin.
Overprint on Peso Argentino notes. Rectangle on watermark area on face.
Collectors Comment: 1985 B: 08.800.001 - 10.306.000. Withdrawn: 11/30/1987. TBB B374a
Other Info
Argentina pick 322d: 10 Australes from 1985
1985. Blue overprint on face, light olive green overprint on back of Peso Argentino notes. Series B, C. Watermark: multiple sunbursts. Rectangle on watermark area on face.
Collectors Comment: Purchased from Yuri111. 1985 B: 87.400.001 - 100.000.000. Withdrawn: 11/30/1987. TBB B375d
Argentina pick 323b: 1 Austral from 1985
1985-1989. Blue-green and purple on multicolored underprint. B.Rivadavia at center. Watermark: multiple sunbursts. Series B, C. 2 Signature varieties. Signature titles GERENTE GENERAL and PRESIDENTE.
Latent image \"BCRA\" on face. Liberty (Progreso) with torch and shield seated at left center on back. Printer: CdM.
Collectors Comment: 1987 B: 75.880.001 - 80.220.000. Withdrawn: 10/31/1991. P-323b.2 TBB B376c
Argentina pick 324b: 5 Austral from 1986
1986-1989. Brown and deep olive-green on multicolored underprint. J.J. de Urquiza at center. Watermark: multiple sunbursts.Series A. Signature titles GERENTE GENERAL and PRESIDENTE.
Latent image \"BCRA\" on face. Liberty (Progreso) with torch and shield seated at left center on back. Printer: CdM.
Collectors Comment: 1987 A: 60.408.001 - 78.610.000. Withdrawn: 10/31/1991. TBB B377b
Argentina pick 324b: 5 Austral from 1986
1986-1989. Brown and deep olive-green on multicolored underprint. J.J. de Urquiza at center. Watermark: multiple sunbursts.Series A. Signature titles GERENTE GENERAL and PRESIDENTE.
Latent image \"BCRA\" on face. Liberty (Progreso) with torch and shield seated at left center on back. Printer: CdM.
Collectors Comment: Replacement note, prefix: R; suffix: A. P-324br TBB B377b
Argentina pick 325b: 10 Australes from 1985
1985-1989. Dark blue and purple on multicolored underprint. S.Derqui at center. Watermark: multiple sunbursts. Modified portrait in finer horizontal wavy lines. Series A, B, C. Signature titles GERENTE GENERAL and PRESIDENTE.
Latent image "BCRA" on face. Liberty (Progreso) with torch and shield seated at left center on back. Printer: CdM.
Collectors Comment: 1987 A: 19.900.001 - 93.125.000. Withdrawn: 10/31/1991. TBB B378b
Argentina pick 325b: 10 Australes from 1985
1985-1989. Dark blue and purple on multicolored underprint. S.Derqui at center. Watermark: multiple sunbursts. Modified portrait in finer horizontal wavy lines. Series A, B, C. Signature titles GERENTE GENERAL and PRESIDENTE.
Latent image "BCRA" on face. Liberty (Progreso) with torch and shield seated at left center on back. Printer: CdM.
Collectors Comment: Replacement note: Prefix: R, Suffix: A. P-325br TBB B378bz
Argentina pick 326b: 50 Australes from 1986
1986-1989. Purple and deep brown on multicolored underprint. B.Mitre at center. Watermark: multiple sunbursts. Series A. 3 Signature varieties. Signature titles GERENTE GENERAL and PRESIDENTE.
Latent image "BCRA" on face. Liberty (Progreso) with torch and shield seated at left center on back. Printer: CdM.
Collectors Comment: 1989 A: 39.050.001 - 64.460.000. Withdrawn: 12/31/1991. P-326b.2 TBB B379c
Argentina pick 327c: 100 Austral from 1985
1985-1990. Dark red and purple on multicolored underprint. D.F.Sarmiento at center. Series C, D. Back pink and lithographed. Without purple and blue. Signature titles GERENTE GENERAL and PRESIDENTE.
Latent image \"BCRA\" on face. Liberty (Progreso) with torch and shield seated at left center on back. Printer: CdM.
Collectors Comment: 1989 C: 00.000.001 - 59.640.000. Withdrawn: 6/1/1992. TBB B380f
Argentina pick 328b: 500 Australes from 1988
1988-1990. Pale olive green on multicolored underprint. N.Avellaneda at center. Dark olive green guilloche by 500. Back pale olive-green and multicolored; lithographed without black. Watermark: multiple sunbursts. Series A (1990). Signature titles GERENTE GENERAL and PRESIDENTE.
Latent image "BCRA" on face. Liberty (Progreso) with torch and shield seated at left center on back. Printer: CdM.
Collectors Comment: Purchased from Banknoteworld.com. 1990 A: 49.339.001 - 86.972.000. Withdrawn: 6/1/1992 TBB B381b
Argentina pick 352: 2 Pesos from 2002
ND (2002). Deep blue and brown-violet on multicolored underprint. B.Mitre at right and as watermark. Ornate gate at center. Mitre Museum at left center on back. Sign titles PRESIDENTE BCRA and PRESIDENTE HC DIPUTADOS. 3 Signature varieties. Series D-E.
Collectors Comment: Purchased from Yuri111. 2013 20.877.001 L - 81.357.000 L. P-352a.6 TBB B405g
Argentina pick 353b: 5 Pesos from 2012
ND (2012). Deep olive-green and purple on multicolored underprint. General J. san Martin at right and as watermark. General San Martin on horseback with troops at center. Monument to the Glory at Mendoza at left center on back. Sign titles PRESIDENTE BCRA and PRESIDENTE HC SENADORES. 3 Signature varieties. Series I. No clause CONVERTIBLES DE CURSO LEGAL.
Collectors Comment: Purchased from Banknoteworld.com. Suffix: I, J TBB B406d
Argentina pick 354a: 10 Pesos from 2003
ND (2003). Deep brown and dark green on multicolored underprint. M.Belgrano at right and as watermark. Liberty with flag at center. Monument to the flag at Rosario with city in background at left center on back. Sign titles PRESIDENTE BCRA and PRESIDENTE HC DIPUTADOS. 2 Signature varieties. Series E-N. No clause CONVERTIBLES DE CURSO LEGAL.
Collectors Comment: Purchased from Yuri111. P-354a.5 TBB B407e
Argentina pick 355b: 20 Pesos from 2012
ND (2012). Red-brown and purple on multicolored underprint. J.Manuel de Rosas at right and as watermark. Vuelta de Obligado battle scene at left center on back. Sign titles PRESIDENTE BCRA and PRESIDENTE HC SENADORES. 3 Signature varieties. Series E. No clause CONVERTIBLES DE CURSO LEGAL.
Collectors Comment: Purchased from Yuri111. P-355b.2 TBB B408g
Argentina pick 356: 50 Pesos from 2002
ND (2002-2003). Multicolored. D.Faustino Sarmiento at right and as watermark. Government office with monuments, palm trees in foreground at left center on back. Sign titles PRESIDENTE BCRA and PRESIDENTE HC DIPUTADOS. 2 Signature varieties. Series A-B.
Collectors Comment: Purchased from Yuri111. Suffixes: F, G, H Without text "Convertibles de Curso Legal" next to denomination on front. P-356a.6 TBB B409f
Argentina pick 357a: 100 Pesos from 2002
ND (2003). Multicolored. J.A.Roca at right and as watermark. La Conquista del Desierto scene at left center on back. Sign titles PRESIDENTE BCRA and PRESIDENTE HC SENADORES. 3 Signature varieties. Series C, G, K, V, Q and S. No clause CONVERTIBLES DE CURSO LEGAL.
Collectors Comment: TBB B410b
Argentina pick 358c: 100 Pesos from 2016
2016. Violet and multicolored. Eva De Perun profile at right. Back: allegorical woman and two children. Watermark: Eva de Peron. Diagonal lines. Suffix AA-CA.
Collectors Comment: Purchased from Yuri111. Double letter serial # suffixes: AA-DA. TBB B413a
Argentina pick 359: 5 Pesos from 2015
1.10.2015. Green, light blue, violet and yellow. Handshake as registration device, sunburst, branch with flowers, statue, General J. de San Martin and standing soldier at right. Back: Jose Argilas, Simon Bolivar, Jose de San Martin and Bernardo O'Higgins; flags, flames, and presidential seal; coat of arms; handshake. No security thread. Watermark: General J. de San Martin and electrotype JSM. Printer: S.E. Casa de Moneda.
Collectors Comment: Purchased from Banknoteworld.com Suffix: A - C. TBB B415a
Argentina pick 360: 10 Pesos from 2016
ND (2016). Brown, red, and multicolored. Multicolored fauna at center. Manuel Belgrano at right. Back: fighters with upraised swords, flag at center.
Collectors Comment: Purchased from Banknoteworld.com. Suffix: A-C. TBB B416a
Argentina pick 361: 20 Pesos from 2017
ND (2017).
Collectors Comment: Purchased from Banknoteworld.com. Series A: 00.000.001 - 100.000.000. TBB B417a
Argentina pick 362a: 50 Pesos from 2015
ND (2015). Blue. Map of the Islas Malvinas (Falklands). Back: Gaucho Antonio Rivero holding flag at left.
Collectors Comment: purchased from banknoteworld.com. Suffix: A, B TBB B414a
Argentina pick 364A: 100 Pesos from 2018
ND (2018). Expected new issue. Taruca.
Collectors Comment: Purchased from Banknoteworld.com. Suffix: A, B TBB B419a
Argentina pick 364a: 200 Pesos from 2016
ND (2016). Blue. Right whale emerging from the sea. Back: map and inlet scene. Small whale motif bottom left.
Argentina pick 365: 500 Pesos from 2016
ND (2016). Green on green and multicolored underprint. Front of note in vertical format. Panther at top right, jaguar at bottom with red flowers below. Back of note in a horizontal format. Jungle scene at left, with jaguar crossing river, and jaguar kitten at bottom left on rivers edge. Map of Argentina at center. Printer: S.E. Casa de Moneda.
Collectors Comment: Prefix: L,M. TBB B421c
Argentina pick 366: 1000 Pesos from 2017
ND (2017). Orange on orange and yellow underprint. Face in a vertical format with a Hornero bird at bottom, over two flowers. Back features grassland scene with bird and nest in a tree at center, map of Argentina at center right.
Collectors Comment: Prefix: G - X, AA, BA, CA, DA. TBB B422e