
Cambodia pick 7d: 50 Riels from 1956
ND (1956-1975). Blue and orange. Fishermen fishing from boats with large nets in Lake Tonie Sap at left and right. Back blue and brown; Angkor Wat. Watermark: buddha. Printer: TDLR (without imprint). Cambodian numerals in plate block designator. Six digit serial number.

Cambodia pick 26a: 0.2 Riel from 1979
1979. (2 Kak). Grayish green on tan underprint. Arms at center. Rice workers on back. Issued 20.3.1980 by the Vietnamese-backed regime of Heng Samrin which overthrew Pol Pot in 1979.

Cambodia pick 28a: 1 Riel from 1979
1979. Brown on yellow and multicolored underprint. Arms at center. Women harvesting rice on back. Issued 20.3.1980 by the Vietnamese-backed regime of Heng Samrin which overthrew Pol Pot in 1979.

Cambodia pick 34: 10 Riels from 1987
1987. Green on light blue and multicolored underprint. Arms at left, harvesting fruit trees at right. Back deep green and lilac on light blue underprint; school.

Cambodia pick R4: 50 Riels from 1993
ND (1993-1999). Multicolored. Planting rice at center. Ox-drawn carts at left center. Temple carvings at left and right on back. With signature of President Khieu Samphan. Issued for circulation in Khmer Rouge occupied areas in exchange for Thailand Baht.