
Brazil pick 191Ab: 1 Cruzeiro from 1975
ND (1975). Dark green and blue with medallic Liberty head at right in brown. Banco Central building at left on back. Serial number prefix B. Series 3782-13194.
Portrait as watermark. Signature varieties. Five digit series number above serial number. Printer: CdM-B.

Brazil pick 193e: 10 Cruzeiros from 1980
ND (1980). Grayish purple and dark brown on orange-brown, blue-green, and multicolored underprint. Portrait of D. Pedro II at right. Back green, violet, and brown; statue of the Prophet Daniel. Back lightly printed. Series prefix B. Series 2871-5131.
Portrait as watermark. Signature varieties. Five digit series number above serial number. Printer: CdM-B.

Brazil pick 201a: 1000 Cruzeiros from 1981
ND (1981). Brown and dark olive on multicolored underprint. Double portrait of B. de Rio Branco and as watermark. BANCO CENTRAL DO BRASIL in one line. Double view of machinery on back.
Watermark: same as portrait. Printer: CdM-B. First four digits of serial number represent series. Series prefix A. Series 1-5733.

Brazil pick 202d: 5000 Cruzeiros from 1985
ND (1985). Purple and brown on multicolored underprint. C. Branco at center. Back brown, purple, and blue with antennas.
Watermark: same as portrait. Printer: CdM-B. First four digits of serial number represent series. Series prefix B. Series 2119-2342.

Brazil pick 209b: 10 Cruzados from 1987
ND (1987). Brown on multicolored underprint. Desk top at center, Rui Barbosa at center right. Conference scene on back. Watermark: same as portrait. Printer: CdM-B. First four digits of serial number represent series. Series 1156-1505.

Brazil pick 210a: 50 Cruzados from 1986
ND (1986). Purple on multicolored underprint. Microscope at center, O. Cruz at right. Cruz Institute at center on back.
Watermark: same as portrait. Printer: CdM-B. First four digits of serial number represent series. Series 1-1617.

Brazil pick 211c: 100 Cruzados from 1987
ND (1987). Black on blue, gold, and multicolored underprint. Electric power station at center, President J Kubitschek at right. Old and modern buildings at center on back.
Watermark: same as portrait. Printer: CdM-B. First four digits of serial number represent series. Series 1583-3045.

Brazil pick 212d: 500 Cruzados from 1988
ND (1988). Birth Centennial of H. Villa-Lobos. Blue-green on green and multicolored underprint. H. Villa-Lobos at center right and as watermark. Villa-Lobos conducting at left center on back. Printer: CdM-B. Series 7505-8309.

Brazil pick 216b: 1 Cruzado Novo from 1989
ND (1989). Purple and brown-violet on multicolored underprint. Overprint: 1 Cruzado Novo on 1000 Cruzados. Series number prefix B. Series 1-1617.
Black triangular overprint of new currency unit.

Brazil pick 223a: 50 Cruzeiros from 1990
ND (1990). Brown and black on multicolored underprint. C. Drummond de Andrade at right. Back black, red-brown, and blue; de Andrade writing poetry. Series 3359-5338. Black rectangular overprint of new currency unit. 50 Cruzeiros on 50 Cruzados Novos.

Brazil pick 244Ai: 5 Reais from 1997
ND (1997). Violet, dark brown, and blue on lilac underprint. Great egret at center on back. Watermark: flag. Series C1-7095.
Sculpture of the Republic at center right. Back vertical format. Printer CdM-B or with additional imprint of secondary printer. Series number is the first four digits of the serial number.