10 Shillings: Flag for EnglandEngland

Gallery image for England p358: 10 Shillings from 1922

Flag of England England pick 358: 10 Shillings from 1922

ND (1922-23). Green. Serial number without No.

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Gallery image for England p373b: 10 Shillings from 1962

Flag of England England pick 373b: 10 Shillings from 1962

ND(1962-1966). Brown on multicolored underprint. Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II at right. Britannia seated with a shield in circle at center right on back. Watermark: laureate heads in continuous vertical row at left.

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Gallery image for England p373c: 10 Shillings from 1966

Flag of England England pick 373c: 10 Shillings from 1966

ND(1966-1970). Brown on multicolored underprint. Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II at right. Britannia seated with a shield in circle at center right on back. Watermark: laureate heads in continuous vertical row at left.

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