Minha: Flag for BrazilBrazil

Gallery image for Brazil p176a: 5 Cruzeiros from 1962

Flag of Brazil Brazil pick 176a: 5 Cruzeiros from 1962

ND (1962). Brown on multicolored underprint. Portrait of Barao de Rio Branco at center. Series #2301-3500.

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Gallery image for Brazil p177a: 10 Cruzeiros from 1962

Flag of Brazil Brazil pick 177a: 10 Cruzeiros from 1962

ND (1962). Green on multicolored underprint. Portrait of G. Vargas at center. Two printed signatures. Back: green. Allegory of 'Industry' at center. Printer: TDLR. Series number 2365-3055.

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Gallery image for Brazil p189b: 10 Cruzeiros Novos from 1967

Flag of Brazil Brazil pick 189b: 10 Cruzeiros Novos from 1967

ND (1967). Gray on multicolored underprint. Bold or semi-bold overprint. Printer: ABNC. Overprint: 10 Cruzeiros Novos on 10000 Cruzeiros. Series 701-1700.

Black circular overprint BANCO CENTRAL and new currency unit in black circle on Tesouro Nacional note.

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Gallery image for Brazil p190a: 10 Cruzeiros Novos from 1967

Flag of Brazil Brazil pick 190a: 10 Cruzeiros Novos from 1967

ND (1967). Brown on pink and multicolored underprint. Printer: TDLR. Overprint: 10 Cruzeiros Novos on 10000 Cruzeiros. Series 1-1000.

Black circular overprint BANCO CENTRAL and new currency unit in black circle on Tesouro Nacional note.

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Gallery image for Brazil p190b: 10 Cruzeiros Novos from 1967

Flag of Brazil Brazil pick 190b: 10 Cruzeiros Novos from 1967

ND (1967). Brown on pink and multicolored underprint. Printer: TDLR. Overprint: 10 Cruzeiros Novos on 10000 Cruzeiros. Series 1001-2100.

Black circular overprint BANCO CENTRAL and new currency unit in black circle on Tesouro Nacional note.

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Gallery image for Brazil p191Ac: 1 Cruzeiro from 1980

Flag of Brazil Brazil pick 191Ac: 1 Cruzeiro from 1980

ND (1980). Dark green and blue with medallic Liberty head at right in brown. Banco Central building at left on back. Serial number prefix B. Series 13195-18094.

Portrait as watermark. Signature varieties. Five digit series number above serial number. Printer: CdM-B.

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Gallery image for Brazil p212a: 500 Cruzados from 1986

Flag of Brazil Brazil pick 212a: 500 Cruzados from 1986

ND (1986). Birth Centennial of H. Villa-Lobos. Blue-green on green and multicolored underprint. H. Villa-Lobos at center right and as watermark. Villa-Lobos conducting at left center on back. Printer: CdM-B. Series 1-2352.

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Gallery image for Brazil p214a: 5000 Cruzados from 1988

Flag of Brazil Brazil pick 214a: 5000 Cruzados from 1988

ND (1988). Blue on multicolored underprint. Portion of mural at left center. C. Portinari at right. Portinari painting at center on back. Series 1-1757.

Portrait as watermark. Printer: CdM-B. Series number is first four digits of serial number.

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Gallery image for Brazil p215a: 10000 Cruzados from 1989

Flag of Brazil Brazil pick 215a: 10000 Cruzados from 1989

ND (1989). Red and brown on multicolored underprint. C. Chargas at right. Chargas with lab instruments on back. Series 1-1841.

Portrait as watermark. Printer: CdM-B. Series number is first four digits of serial number.

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Gallery image for Brazil p222a: 500 Cruzados Novos from 1990

Flag of Brazil Brazil pick 222a: 500 Cruzados Novos from 1990

ND (1990). Green and purple on multicolored underprint. Orchids at center, A. Ruschi at right. Back light orange, purple, and blue; swallow-tailed hummingbird, orchids and A. Ruschi at center. Watermark: Liberty head. Series 1-3700.

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Gallery image for Brazil p225a: 200 Cruzeiros from 1990

Flag of Brazil Brazil pick 225a: 200 Cruzeiros from 1990

ND (1990). Blue and black on multicolored underprint. Political leaders at center, sculpture of the Republic at center right, arms at right. Oil painting Patria by P. Bruno with flag being embroidered by a family on back. Series 1725. Black rectangular overprint of new currency unit. 200 Cruzeiros on 200 Cruzados Novos.

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Gallery image for Brazil p246m: 50 Reais from 1994

Flag of Brazil Brazil pick 246m: 50 Reais from 1994

ND (1994). Dark brown and red-brown on multicolored underprint. Jaguar on back. Series C8343-C9999.

Sculpture of the Republic at center right. Back vertical format. Printer CdM-B or with additional imprint of secondary printer. Series number is the first four digits of the serial number.

First signature variety.

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Gallery image for Brazil p252a: 2 Reais from 2010

Flag of Brazil Brazil pick 252a: 2 Reais from 2010

2010. Sculpture of the Republic at right. Back: turtles. Watermark: turtles and 2.

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Gallery image for Brazil p253a: 5 Reais from 2010

Flag of Brazil Brazil pick 253a: 5 Reais from 2010

2010. Violet. Sculpture of the Republic at center right. Back: heron. Watermark: heron and 5.

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Gallery image for Brazil p253c: 5 Reais from 2010

Flag of Brazil Brazil pick 253c: 5 Reais from 2010

2010. Violet. Sculpture of the Republic at center right. Back: heron. Watermark: heron and 5.

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Gallery image for Brazil p254c: 10 Reais from 2010

Flag of Brazil Brazil pick 254c: 10 Reais from 2010

2010. Brown and rose on multicolored underprint. Sculpture of the Republic at center right. Back: macaw at left, two in flight at right.

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Gallery image for Brazil p255a: 20 Reais from 2010

Flag of Brazil Brazil pick 255a: 20 Reais from 2010

2010. Orange on yellow and multicolored underprint. Sculpture of the Republic at center right. Back: lion monkey at left and right.

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